1 motherboard pin out of alignment and a mark on the CPU

Marcus Cooper

Apr 2, 2013
I had a working system last week but I'd been sent the wrong chip and I didn't notice until I'd put everything together. The CPU has now been swapped for the correct model but now the PC powers on for less than a second before shutting down with no beeps. As the only item that's changed is the CPU I suspected that, but an out of place reflection caught my eye in the motherboard CPU socket and I noticed 1 pin is 30 degrees out of alignment with all the rest. After a close examination I also noticed a mark on one of the CPU connectors.

Before I go about trying to bend the pin back, could someone if that's definitely the problem and that the mark on the CPU isn't an issue? I've been told the chip was tested and working before it was sent to me. Sorry for the poor quality pics.


p.s. joined with FB and can't confirm email so I can't embed the pics...



The mark and the wonky pin aren't in the same area... would they be linked or is this 2 separate unfortunate situations?

It may not be related as I assumed, but still looks like trouble. Try cleaning it with some isopropyl alcohol. If there is a little divot under the mark, that doesn't match the wear pattern as the other pads, it could have arced.