1 WAN ways to switch between different routers to change IP address


Dec 1, 2015
I have 1 cable from my ISP,
when I plug that cable to a different router and the "static" IP address will be changed
(IP wont change when I re-plug into the same router)
So now I have bought lots of router, in order to change the IP address frequently,
the problem is, how can I set it up so that the cable WAN will be connected to "something", and that something will be connected to all routers I bought, so that I can switch (turning on only 1 router at each time) between different routers through, maybe turning off in "somethings" in or , etc.?

2 questions,
do I need "somethings" like bridge/switcher/hub/...?
how do I control which router the WAN to pointing to, by turning off "DCHP" in the router admin page or something else ??
If you bought a static IP from the ISP, you always get that WAN IP no matter what equipment you plug in. Your LAN private IP, nobody cares and you can change them at your will.

If you didn't buy a static IP, then you get whatever WAN IP the ISP gives you and you have no control.

It is not true. someone had said that all "static" IP are dynamic, just changing slower. and It is well known by the public that IP changed after changing router
Could you please open up a command prompt and type:

ipconfig /all

and also;

arp -a

and please post results.

Also, just to be clear, do you have an Internet connection coming in over one line of coaxial cable (i assume), and then that attaches to a modem inside your house -and then you have the router(s) connected using a copper patch (Ethernet) cables...? Is this correct?


I dont have a modem in the house, just a cable from the wall. That cable come from outside the house is the WAN installed by ISP.