100% disk usage all the time

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Apr 3, 2013
hi everyone longtime reader first time questioner

i have recently got a new laptop from a warranty claim which they could not repair so i was given a new laptop (i had no choice in what to choose ).

the problem is the disk usage is all ways topping 100% when doing general tasks , such as windows updates .

and it always is slow to respond in opening anything from desktop or file explorer

the laptop specs are

AMD Qaud Core processors A8-7100 with turbo core technology up to 3.0Ghz
AMD radeon R7M265 with 2gb dedicated Vram
4GB DDR3 L memory
1TB hdd

Ok well what you could do first is open the control panel (desktop - If win 8.1 Charms bar (upper or bottom right corner mouse hover) on desktop -> Settings -> control panel). set the view by icons, click on administrative tools, then click on event viewer. Expand the Custom Views folder on the left hand side and click on Administrative Events. In the center will be a list of warnings and errors having a lot of these is actually common. What is more of an issue is if you see ones coming from something like disk or ahci. Although what you should be looking for is events triggered during periods where the computer was particularly slow. This could show you if the computer is experiencing a hardware failure particularly one related to the Hard Drive.

The second thing you could do is look for processes that may be using the HDD often. You have a pretty fast notebook although you don't have a lot of RAM in it but it should still be pretty responsive so unless the HDD is failing or some application (malware etc) is using the HDD alot it should be pretty fast.

hi caqde thanks for your quick reply

i just had a quick look at what you have said
there is alot of warnings but their is nothing about the two things you have mentioned there is alot of (DeviceSetupManage) in the source column along with alot (ESENT) aswell

ps the laptop is only about 3 months old


thanks for the quick replay LinkingFatez

i have just adjusted it now and it still is using 100% but when i go to task manager it is always windows problem reporting that is using the 100% at the moment but i will have a proper look at it tomorrow

but thanks again

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