1050 Ti for 110Eu. Is it worth it and enough for Pubg?


Mar 2, 2016
I am going to buy a used card. Is 1050 Ti enough for Pubg All Lows 1080p 60Fps min?

Rest PC : 2600x, 2x4 3k mhz Ram

it depends on how comfortable you are with the frames, you do suffer a lot,
but, we still manage to get chicken dinner when all of us have 40ish fps.

of course, you do a lot better when fps goes at 100 fps.

If a person is picky about framerate, then yes you should spend more on the videocard. The 1060 is the card for you. Since framerate is important to you, but not high/ultra settings, the 3gb 1060 would still be a better choice instead of the 4gb 1050 Ti.