1050TI power limit % in MSI afterburner


Oct 9, 2017
I have a (possibly fake) GTX1050TI that i have been trying to OC in MSI afterburner but I cant unlock the power limit http://prntscr.com/ibnfim this is what i have so far but i have even gone into the cfg file and told it to unlock the something or other overclocking (i cant remember the name now, good job brain) and changed the 0 to a 1 on it and still nothing even though i have seen it work in a video and i am presuming that a 1050TI does have this feature unlocked on it by default.
it is just occuring to me now that if this card is actually fake that maybe it doesnt have any features of a normal card.... oh well if you know of a way i can 100% enable it let me know and ill see if it works with the card thanks.


Jan 22, 2018
Card link, but yeah it's probably a fake. Especially if you bought it from eBay because I've seen 30$ gtx 970, in which people have reviewed and these cards can't reach their potential. So it won't be a surprise if it's a fake from eBay.