1060 3gb and G4560 Bottleneck or not?


Dec 28, 2016
PC Specs:
GPU: gtx 1060 3gb
Ram: 8 gb ram DDR3
PSU: 500 watts Branded
Proccesor: AMD A8-6600k

Note: upgraded recently from gtx 650 to a 1060 3gb. and will earn for a few months to buy the G4560 Pentium.. Will it be a good CPU? because i only game at 1360x768 resolution. and i want to increase my gpu performance for a few bucks... note that here in the Philippines all components are imported so it will increase price for 10% Also i need a cheap Mother Board so i wouldn't need to buy new ram

Won't bottleneck it. It will not get the same framerates as an i7 would at that low of a resolution but I'm talking about 100+ fps here on heavy demanding games. It will easily be 2.5 times better than what you ahve now. Just get a 2*4gb kit off ddr4 for dual channel and a b250 board because few h110 boards that are sold have the new bios to support it installed.

budget is tight here.. and affording new ram's wont make it. so thats why i just need a board which supports DDR3 ram and a G4560 pentium processor


The only ram supported on that board is ddr3l which is a very uncommon type of ram. Also non of the boards that support it have gotten an kaby lake bios update. So either you get new ram or you don't get the 4560.

In a third world country. every cheap components are full of stock while even a 1060 is rare here.


Well either way you'll need to buy new ram.