[SOLVED] 1070 died, can psu, motherboard be at fault?


Sep 5, 2015
Hi everyone.

Configuration First.
Extreme Power Plus 600W (RS-600-PCAR-E3) - http://us.coolermaster.com/product/Detail/powersupply/extreme-pp-psu/extreme-power-plus-600w.html
GA-H110M-S2 - https://www.gigabyte.com/in/Motherboard/GA-H110M-S2-rev-10#ov
Intel i5 6600
HyperX Black DDR4 2x8GB 2133 mhz
Asus ROG STRIX-GTX1070-O8G-GAMING - https://www.asus.com/in/Graphics-Cards/ROG-STRIX-GTX1070-O8G-GAMING/

I have been running this system from quite a time. Recently, while I was playing rainbow six siege, I got a sudden distorted display with colored lines and the pc rebooted. The gigabyte logo came fine but in a few seconds turned out to have similar colored lines display and the windows never booted,, so I did a hard reset. Since than, the GPU never gave any display, tried, using it on another system but no luck. I anyways got the GPU replaced and received another one which seems like to be a refurbished piece to me, as there was no seal on the heasink screwes like my original.

On installing the replacement, I got the gigabyte logo and windows loaded normally. I went ahead to install the drivers as first thing. While it was installing display driver, the screen went black (I know it is normal), but the display never came back. At the same time, the GPU fans started spinning at full speed. I waited for a few minutes and pressed the power button. The system turned off immediately. I turned it on again, the system, the fans were spiining normally and windows booted fine as normal, I installed the drivers again choosing a clean install, it worked fine. Than I tried to run COD MW Warzone, while it was loading shaders and on the registration window, the fans again started running at full speed and the display went black and I am not getting the display on that card since than. On turning on the system, the GPU fans immediately starts running at full speed. Even a person in another room could hear it well.

The replaced card could be at fault, I have requested for another replacement that would take another week.
So my question -
Is it possible that one of my other part is making the GPU die? I run a few gaming titles and regular pc work on internal gfx at the moment and face no issues.
I do not have another branded PSU or a GPU to interchange stuff and check things. So looking for expert's guidance.
If you don't like a specific answer of a MODERATOR and everyone else agrees with said moderator, then guess who has a problem.

He was not rude, he stated the facts as they are right now. If you don't like your reality and the answers given here, I suggest you go to another forum searching for the answers you like.

We can not stress enough how important a PSU is for a system. Poor quality means constant risk of hardware failure AND/OR fire (in some cases and trust me I have seen a fair amount of them). If you would like to educate further yourself, read these:
First post of here

Tier list...
well, the psu isnt 12 years old, 6 years+ you can definitely say. I tested it with another Pentium D cpu with a H61 motherboard using the same PSU, but it was after the card was already dead. But can psu might be making a gpu fail in less than 30 mins? without even a 5 mins of gpu power usage? Can a motherboard faulty pcie slot also be the problem?
The PSU absolutely could have caused this; whether it's new, six years old, or 12 years old, this was complete garbage at all times. It's a junky old Seventeam-made PSU with fake wattage and basement-tier Su'scon capacitors. It never should have been powering a GTX 1070. This power supply, when new, was unsafe above 450W.

And it's definitely not new now; it's at least eight years old as I believe that's when they stopped selling this. If it was bought six years ago, it was probably sitting unpurchased collecting dust in the corner of a warehouse, which isn't good for the capacitors. Which were already poor quality.

I wouldn't even bother firing up this PC with a discrete GPU until you have a new PSU in there. There's no guarantee that's why you've lost GPUs, but given that this PSU should have been replaced years ago anyway for safety reasons, there's no reason to not buy a new, significantly higher quality PSU.
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Sure, i'll look in to buying a new PSU than, Any reason the mothboard could also be at fault?

Unless you have actual physical damage that's, say, causing a short, there's little reason to think of the motherboard as a cause of dead GPUs. A motherboard otherwise can't really destroy anything on its own. Now, the motherboard could also be damaged by an ancient, low-quality power supply.

None of them. At the 1070 level of GPU, you want something actually good. Only the first one is recommendable with any discrete GPU (Corsair VSs that aren't in black/white/grey are junk) and I wouldn't pair that with a 1070. The Corsair CX (again, black/white/grey lettering only) is the minimum I'd go with for a GPU such as this.
well, in my budget only the CX450 fits, but that would that be lower looking at my requirements?
I have 3 x 3.5 HDD and an ssd, 5 cabinet fans and the GPU.

You can squeeze a CX450, though it's a tighter squeeze than I personally like.

Nothing worse quality than that, though. If you can't get to the CX 450, then the better solution is returning the 1070, getting a 1060, and using the difference on the power supply. The PSU is the most important part of a PC, not an afterthought to throw in after the fun part of the purchase.
i understand that, just thought the existing PSU is a good choice as it was a used purchase like 4 years back. I was already using a 1060 only for 2.5 years before upgrading to a 1070 almost an year back. No returns possible and have to live with a 1070 or nothing. Like I said, CX450 wouldnt be a problem, fits into my buidget, the 1070 itself is rated 150W tdp, will 450 wat be fine?
Saving 20 or 30 on a power supply that sends power to the whole system that will run for 5-6 years is not really a good plan. It's like picking tires and brakes for a car, saving a few dollars is not worth it when the cheap tires you got make you skid into a tree. Saving a bit on a power supply is not worth it when it makes your motherboard and video card poof into smoke. An extra 30 over whatever number of years the system is running is nothing.

The CX550 should be OK though, that is about the minimum for a system with a gaming video card.
Well, a few dollars makes a big difference in Indian currency :). I have already moved up my budget by almost 25% by planning to choose a CX550 over others only based on the recommendations on this thread. What else do you suggest anyways? Please dont recommend a top tier PSU because I obviously can not afford it. I run a budget gaming system. Its just that I got a used 1070 for a good price, hence upgraded. Please look into the following link, These are the available options for 500+ 80+ Bronze rated avaiable options for me.


Thanks in advance.
Also, whats the difference between the CV550 and CX550, both are similarly priced but I cant really find a proper answer to this question anywhere other than that CV seems to be the tonned down version of CX without mentioning how.
Also, whats the difference between the CV550 and CX550, both are similarly priced but I cant really find a proper answer to this question anywhere other than that CV seems to be the tonned down version of CX without mentioning how.

The CV is a VS with better efficiency.

A CX is the minimum you want for this GPU. If you can't get a CX, you didn't actually have the budget for this GPU in the first place. Just like if you buy a car but then don't have enough money for the car insurance.
The CV is a VS with better efficiency.

A CX is the minimum you want for this GPU. If you can't get a CX, you didn't actually have the budget for this GPU in the first place. Just like if you buy a car but then don't have enough money for the car insurance.
Seriously? Are you drunk and wasted? I bought the card when I could afford it and now I have certain limitations at the moment hence have a limited budget. So what? Can a person not have different budget conditions at two different time? I never asked what should I do about the card, my question was only about the power supply and continues to be the same. And honestly, that was a bit rude. Instead of keep stressing me repeatedly to drop the card, you could have been more helpful with my doubts.

I wouldn't have bought this GPU, if I was really aware of the fact that my PSU isn't as efficient as I thought. But, neither of us can actually change it now, so please stop mocking around the past and lets focus on what could be the best solution to me. I bought this card 2 years back and unless it dies, I obviously can not replace or drop it.

Also, even after saying that I am working on my budget to actually buy a CX550, understanding the fact that it is also the minimum recommended, you continue to stress on the same thing again and again and don't even care to read my posts properly. I hear you buddy, but do you care to hear me? at all?

A 80+ bronze is minimum recommended with a discrete GPU, I got it. But whats next? There are a few more options other than the CX550, with the same rating. Below is the link I already shared above.
Additionally, there is another psu from Gigabyte which isnt included there but is available at my local market for a reasonable price I can afford at the moment, which is this -

I simply wanted to know if there is a better option than the CX550 before I actually finalize it, but still instead of bothering to check the link once, but you thought making me realise my mistake is more important than responding to my queries.

Please Mr. wakeup, open your eyes and read properly before responding.

and really sorry, if I have been a bit rude but your responses were not very helpful but pretty much frustrating and dissappointing.
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If you don't like a specific answer of a MODERATOR and everyone else agrees with said moderator, then guess who has a problem.

He was not rude, he stated the facts as they are right now. If you don't like your reality and the answers given here, I suggest you go to another forum searching for the answers you like.

We can not stress enough how important a PSU is for a system. Poor quality means constant risk of hardware failure AND/OR fire (in some cases and trust me I have seen a fair amount of them). If you would like to educate further yourself, read these:
First post of here

Tier list:


A 80+ bronze is minimum recommended with a discrete GPU
80+ rating has nothing to do with the quality of a PSU. It's just the guaranteed output under specific thermal conditions/load. There are in fact some 80+ bronze/silver/gold that might be way worse than a good quality 80+bronze.
@dotas1 Well I apperiate what you said but the same problem stays, I agreed to him as well. Also, stressing on whats important is fine, I appreciate and I respect the opinion and I am following the advice as well.

But, (and please read this properly again), My question was which among the available is the best choice keeping CX550 already as one option.

Also, thanks for the links. this is indeed helpful.
A simple answer is none other within your budget. At least from that site you linked.
But if you read my answer properly, you would have seen that I provided a tier list. If you had check, you would see that under tier B+ is the CX550. Everything within that tier or above it, is a proper candidate for your system (I would also add to be minimum 500-550W).
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I cannot stress enough how important a quality PSU is to your system. You saw what happens when you don't use a good unit.

To start out:

80+ is an efficiency rating. If a unit is rated 80+ Bronze, it doesn't make it good, it only means the unit is efficient enough to earn that badge.
Read more: https://www.tomshardware.com/news/what-80-plus-levels-mean,36721.html

The reason the CX was suggested is that it is usually the cheapest model available with good quality. Usually, anything priced below the Corsair CX series is not very good quality, so it may take a lot of digging to find anything decent under that price point.

On MD computers, the only passable quality unit priced below a CX550 is a CX450. So it seems that the CX is yet again the cheapest available unit with decent quality.

Avoid gigabyte PSUs. I would never buy one.

Look in my signature below this post for some recommended PSU models, if you would like to look elsewhere.
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A simple answer is none other within your budget. At least from that site you linked.
But if you read my answer properly, you would have seen that I provided a tier list. If you had check, you would see that under tier B+ is the CX550. Everything within that tier or above it, is a proper candidate for your system (I would also add to be minimum 500-550W).
Yes I was looking at the list while you were posting 😛

Thanks a ton and thats the answer I was actually looking for. And like I already said, CX550 was already considered a choice, I just wanted to final confirmation.

Just one more question. I dont see the following as part of that list. Is it so bad or its just never been reviewed.

I cannot stress enough how important a quality PSU is to your system. You see what happens
Thank you so much buddy but honestly, this long post wasnt required. I understood the importance already with the very first reply. But since all the other options are similarly priced. I just wanted to know the best buy out of them and have decided to go with CX550 only. Appericiate your support.