daswilhelm :
bignastyid :
daswilhelm :
A decent 550w (gold rated) unit will do.
A decent 550w psu(regardless of efficiency rating) would be fine. Just because a psu is advertised as being more effcient doesn't means it made with better quality components than a less efficient unit.
There aren't many less than gold rated units that i would recommend, but that's my personal preference.
I can think of atleast half dozen bronze rated units off the top of my head that would be good for the OP's specs.
Seasonic S12II
Seasonic M12II
Seasonic SS EVO
Antec HCG
Antec HCGm
Corsair CX and CXM(newer 550w models of course)
All bronze rated all decent options.
But we really need to know what unit the OP currently has and if it does need upgraded what the upgrade budget is.