I just made a post at Nvidia, here it is. I also just noticed though that in GPU-Z it says I'm using a PCIe 2.0 slot when my card, and the slot on the motherboard is a 3.0.
I just build a PC for the first time not even a month ago. First game I tried playing was fallout 4, where I got 30 fps on Ultra, I was a little disappointed, thinking I'd be able to play at least 60fps with everything maxed. But then I just bought farcry primal, and when I played it for the first time yesterday, I was getting 20 fps on ultra, and 30 fps on low, where other people are getting 60fps on ultra. I thought it might be my monitor, which is 2560 by 1080, so I tried playing it on my 1080p monitor, same deal though, only about 5 fps faster. This computer is for work, I'm an indie game dev so I really need this to perform like it should. Everything I watch, it says how the 1080 is such a beast, and now it seems no better then my laptop, which has a 980m.
If I didn't need this for work, I'd definitely just have a console for gaming, my Xbox One has NO problems with any games, and it looks amazing. And those are only $300 cad, where this computer cost me over $4000 cad.
Edit: Also here is someone else heaven benchamark, https://www.reddit.com/r/nvidia/comments/4qyjzq/what_is_your_gtx_1080_heaven_benchmark/
And here is mine...
Specs are
I7 6850
Rampage V Extreme Motherboard
Gigabyte 1080 8g water force
32GB ram
1 tb 7200rpm
2x 500gb 5400rpm