1080 sli 4k Ultra?


Nov 8, 2016
I've just upgraded from a 970 FTW to a 1080 SC and coupled with the 1080 SC I've also obtained a 4k monitor. The main games I play currently is GTA 5 and BF4; on GTA 5 i can get a minimum of about 43 fps and max of around 60 fps. However I would like to be able to run all games now and in the future on max settings at close to a minimum of 60 fps. My question is would getting an additional 1080 in sli help my issue, also due to more games more effectively supporting sli?
Dual 1080's would for sure be the better way to go. Most AAA titles support sli whether it be at launch or just shortly after and it will of course blow a titanX away. Running at 4k you can also turn down some settings and not notice the difference like ultra vs high settings and for sure dont really need AA at 4k either. Personally i went through the same decision of 1080sli or titanX and after weeks of deciding i chose the 1080's and could not be happier. I game on a Ultra wide 3440x1440p 100hz gaming monitor and even if im running just 1 card it performs flawlessly on bf1 and gears of war 4

yes, if the rest of your system is up to the task

not at launch, some never get sli working at all

You should be borderline fine with your PSU, but double check by entering your parts on PCPARTPICKER, it will give you a rough voltage that you will need.

Your issue should be fixed if you get an SLI going, but remember, the performance wont double, it will only be a roughly 50% increase, and your VRAM will be as if you are still using one card.

If you are 100% certain you want to upgrade, if I were you, I would return the 1080, and purchase the new Titan x. It should cost you the same as 2x1080, but with more VRAM and will 'future-proof' you for longer. PLUS, you wont need to worry as much about SLI support.
Albiet, it wont be as powerful as a 1080 SLI, but will definitely improve the performance, have a look at some comparisons on Youtube of 1080SLI vs Titan X

EDIT: I forgot to mention, have you tried doing an extreme overclock on your 1080? That might just do it for you without costing anything. If you get a heating issue, get a custom watercooling loop for the 1080 to turn it up even more, still would cost less than the other options above.
i would recommend a 750w tier 1 psu at a minimum for sli.
if i were you i would wait for the 1080ti and get that. it should offer similar performance to the titan xp.
although it is tempting going sli - the 1080 prices seem to have come down a lot which makes me think the rumoured ti is closeish..
in the meantime, turn shadows down to medium and AA to low (you don't need AA cranking too much at 4k).
Dual 1080's would for sure be the better way to go. Most AAA titles support sli whether it be at launch or just shortly after and it will of course blow a titanX away. Running at 4k you can also turn down some settings and not notice the difference like ultra vs high settings and for sure dont really need AA at 4k either. Personally i went through the same decision of 1080sli or titanX and after weeks of deciding i chose the 1080's and could not be happier. I game on a Ultra wide 3440x1440p 100hz gaming monitor and even if im running just 1 card it performs flawlessly on bf1 and gears of war 4
dont know whether this helps but especially in gta online i drop from 60 to low 40 fps when in a wooded area or areas with dense grass etc but not really anywhere else. i have turned down various settings but none have really made a difference.