A ArkavianX Honorable Oct 27, 2013 1 0 10,510 Sep 7, 2017 #503 Been an old AMD fan K6-2 333, Athlon 2600+ & 1065T 2.9, current bottleneck is the video card now though :?
Been an old AMD fan K6-2 333, Athlon 2600+ & 1065T 2.9, current bottleneck is the video card now though :?
C college84 Prominent Sep 7, 2017 1 0 510 Sep 7, 2017 #505 Yes, please! I'm still running a Core i3 530!
O oomfaloompa2 Reputable Mar 15, 2015 18 0 4,510 Sep 7, 2017 #506 Been looking for an upgrade. This would be sweet!
P p.ramsey Prominent Sep 7, 2017 1 0 510 Sep 7, 2017 #508 I'm trying to save up to build a new rig... (Mine is about 9 years old) I'm always caught in the crossfire between AMD and Intel. Oh.... terrible pun. At any rate, you'd make my decision easy if you gave it to me.
I'm trying to save up to build a new rig... (Mine is about 9 years old) I'm always caught in the crossfire between AMD and Intel. Oh.... terrible pun. At any rate, you'd make my decision easy if you gave it to me.
S SilverWolf95113 Prominent Mar 27, 2017 4 0 510 Sep 7, 2017 #513 Awesome opportunity. This would make for a great upgrade
C captblasto12 Prominent Sep 7, 2017 4 0 510 Sep 7, 2017 #514 Hey, great giveaway here guys! Been like 13 years since I've had an upgrade to my PC so figured I'd give this a shot. Thanks for the opportunity
Hey, great giveaway here guys! Been like 13 years since I've had an upgrade to my PC so figured I'd give this a shot. Thanks for the opportunity
M michael621anthony Prominent Sep 7, 2017 1 0 510 Sep 7, 2017 #515 Hope I win so i can finally play AAA PC games that aren't 5 years old. Would be great to win so i can build/buy my first desktop pc.
Hope I win so i can finally play AAA PC games that aren't 5 years old. Would be great to win so i can build/buy my first desktop pc.
N nitewolf_08079 Prominent Sep 7, 2017 1 0 510 Sep 7, 2017 #516 Would be awesome to win this giveaway
C chasetoothpaste Prominent Aug 15, 2017 1 0 510 Sep 7, 2017 #517 I mostly lurk around tomshardware but have found huge benefit to a lot of the answers I've found. Love that you're also giving stuff away!
I mostly lurk around tomshardware but have found huge benefit to a lot of the answers I've found. Love that you're also giving stuff away!
F funkmastermoney Prominent Sep 7, 2017 1 0 510 Sep 7, 2017 #518 My GTX 660Ti must need a break by now.
S sceypt Commendable Aug 14, 2017 25 0 1,540 Sep 7, 2017 #522 funkmastermoney : My GTX 660Ti must need a break by now. Lul 650 ti hype
A acleverhobo Commendable May 21, 2016 24 0 1,510 Sep 7, 2017 #523 Winning this would make me the happiest hobo around. Would look nice in my cardboard box too.