1080 vs 1080ti


Aug 17, 2014
Hi! I would like to ask two questions.
I currently have a Gtx 1080 with an i5 6500. I would like to know if there is any reason to upgrade from my 1080 to a Ti?
And will a Gtx 1080Ti will bottleneck an i5 6500.

Thanks a lot!
What fps & Hz? If high fps >100 Id expect your CPU may be limiting performance. What's your cpu usage when these drops happen?

At 1440p I don't think the 1080Ti is worth it even if you run a high Hz monitor. You would really want an overclocked cpu to help push the high fps, a 7700k would be perfect.

I'm playing at 1440 at 60fps. I have never really looked at CPU usage when the drops happen.

Thanks for your answers! Why is there zero benefit if I'm gaming at 1440@60fps?

So the reason I'm dropping frames can be my CPU? And by upgrading it instead of the card I can get solid 60 on games without drops?

I might be, monitor cpu & gpu usage to be sure what the cause is

If my CPU is on high usage it means that it's the factor that's limiting pushing 60 fps?

I see. And one more question. We already agreed that I do not need the 1080Ti 😛 What kind of processor do I need if I decide to upgrade? An i5 i7?
Thanks a lot for the help man!

Please monitor usage and prove its CPU first.

What motherboard, cooler and PSU do you have?

I've noticed a lot of threads saying that a lot of modern games don't use the hyper threading that i7's offer. Is that correct?

It used to be the case but in high fps (>100 fps) quite a few modern games are starting to benefit from an i7. At 60Hz/FPS there is nothing material between an i5 and its equivalent i7. What helps more is an overclocked i5 or i7 but I am surprised your 6500 dipping under 60 fps. You really need to check.

However, when a 6500 is using all 4 cores I think it only boosts to 3.4Ghz. The 6600k can usually easily be OC'd to 4.4Ghz, so that's an extra 29% all games can use. Only some games can benefit from an i7 in high fps setups


So in my case gaming at 60fps I will benefit more from an i5 k series than an i7?

Id expect so but please prove its your CPU first, at 60fps I am surprised you see drops under 60. If it is your CPU a K CPU is going to need a Z170 or Z270 motherboard, decent cooler and good quality PSU before you try any overclocking.

I looked at my cores % usage and saw this in GTA V and Ghost Recon wildlands.
In GTA sometimes my CPU maxes to 100% and when it's not maxed it hovers between 80-100%
In Ghost recon also sometimes maxes but not all of the time.
My hard disk is at 100%

Does it mean my CPU is my problem or maybe even my hard disk?
Also does my GPU needs to be maxed most of the time while the CPU is low on % or high % like 80-100 is natural?