1080ti fans not kicking on at 60 by default


Sep 11, 2013
So I installed a gigabyte aorus xtreme 1080ti today and it is behaving oddly.. first thing I did was start furmark and noticed that the temps were just climbing and climbing with no fans turning on. Got to 70c with 0 rpm from the fans. I went into afterburner and can turn them on manually, and even set a fan custom fan curve that seems to be working. Wondering why this is happening though? Surely the Gigabyte default settings turn on the fans at some point. Anyone have any insight into this? I'm not seeing any useful options within the Aorus engine software..
I seem to have fixed the issue. I had the asus, gigabyte, and msi utilities all installed still from previous cards. I uninstalled all of them and reinstalled only the gigabyte utility and it is behaving as I was expecting now. I guess they were confusing each other somehow.. fans now kick on at 60c and then drop back down to 0rpm around 50c.
Scratch that, Aorus Engine is the problem. The software obviously has bugs, even if you try to use it to set a custom fan curve you can only change temperature points, the RPM is always set to 0 and you cant move the points up the graph. Unless I am just being stupid.. don't think so though. Pretty ridiculous.
I am having the same issue the only way i am able to get my fans to work is to turn the fans to Active by where the RGB setting shortcut is and the setting my own custom curve