1080ti low fps all games


Sep 28, 2017
i have 1080ti sli ( sli diabled ) i97900k @ cpu3.30ghz 32gb ram i run at 4k

issue is i have a i7 980ti running the same games smooth where is this pc seems to stutter on all games.....

i disabled intel 3.0, ive re installed windows, as you see i disabled sli (as couldnt get any boost from that ) my monitor is Predator xb321hk 4k 60hz

i have gsync on and vsync on, ive tested this pc on the other pc monitor still stutters :/ i really am getting to the point of giving up....... and even if i lower the game settings to the lowest it will still find time to stutter? ive got all latest drives and its done this ever since ive had, im just wasting time every day in other peoples posts and copying failed solutions

You can get HWiNFO or HWMonitor and learn all sorts of fascinating things. They are both free.

re: the ram. With the PC off, remove and re-seat the dimms. Double check which slot they are in (the correct ones will be in the motherboard manual).
I would begin by stripping the system down a little.

Remove the 2nd 1080ti completely from the system.
Check your ram. Are you running it at it's rated speed? Your system supports both dual and quad channel, are you in one of those two? There is no significant performance difference but you don't want to have the ram in the wrong slots and be running ddr4 4000 ram as single-channel 2133. Also consider reducing the amount of ram.
What is starting with your PC? Have you performance tuned it? Start with sysinternals (free from MSFT) and use autoruns.
Consider turning v-sync off and use fast-sync instead.

Once you have SLI disabled, test the cards separately. Boot with just 1 card. Test. Shut down. Swap cards, and try it again.

Make sure your drivers are from nvidia.com and are the latest WHQL build. Do not install geforce experience or any other bloatware.

Also a couple of comments. the i9 is not the ideal gaming platform. The i7-8700k is faster for this. I imagine you got it for the PCIe lanes, but even there the z370 is sufficient. There are precious few gains on a well tuned system in going above 8gb of ram and never any for going above 16gb. Faster ram is better than more ram. Also SLI is a very mixed bag. It is not well supported in games and when it is supported the gains tend to be (to me) underwhelming.
Personally I would pull out one of the 1080ti and use Display Driver Uninstaller to clean up my current drivers then reinstalled the latest Nvidia driver and test again with vsync off. If it's not stuttering then I'd have to blame SLI. You could then try swapping the cards to see if it's a particular card problem.
took out 1 of the cards still stuttering, am i really going to have to take out my i9 and get a i7? no matter what settings im in it stutters but to buy a i7 i need a whole new mother board??

It should not be the cause. "Less than ideal" does not mean "incapable of task". I haven't heard of anyone having stuttering just because they got an i9. I mean most with just a recent i5 do just fine.

I gave you some other things to try, have you done them?
im not that amazing with computers, so im not sure what dual or quad channel are or how to check them, i did have windows reinstalled a while back it didnt fix it, im not sure how to uninstall all drivers and reinstall neither but will check your guide, but i just cant suss out this problem, even in single player games im getting big fps spikes and noticeable stutters, ill try fast sync now.

You can get HWiNFO or HWMonitor and learn all sorts of fascinating things. They are both free.

re: the ram. With the PC off, remove and re-seat the dimms. Double check which slot they are in (the correct ones will be in the motherboard manual).