1080ti on 60hz monitor

Oct 3, 2018
I hace bought a 1080ti aorus and u have a ryzen 1600x, 16gb ddr4 2400 anda a SSD, while im playing fortnite the grafics card sometimes drop yo 30-40 fps and its feel a bit laggy, why is the cause if that?
I have run the heavens benchmark and i had 3400 points

60º GPU
47º Ryzen
My PSU is a 650W Gold of corsair
3500 points in heavens right now
Ok, sorry for the late reply... it has nothing to do with the components fortunally and the temps seems to be just more than fine. So its not a hardware problem. Lately fortnite its giving to many players a headache and me either. The game seems bad optimizated as f***
But lets try to see what we can do.
First, Check your Drivers are up to date and if so i would anyway DDU (Display Driver uninstaller) and remove all Drivers installed and clean install fresh ones downloaded by Geforce Experience panel.
Also if you are playing on a 144 hz monitor, in the fortnite options use V-Sync and cap the Frames to 144 or 146 (in case you can customize it). If you cant see this options, customize this via Geforce Experience game optimizer and Play the game on Full screen.
In case you are player on a 60hz monitor just cap to 60 with V-sync.

Lets hope its the Game, BCS i have the drivers clean installed, and i have formated the pc