Question 11700KF with an IBuyPower stock AIO, idle/browsing temp 45-55, Civilization 6 and Harry Potter 90+


Aug 13, 2013
Issue is happening with an 11700KF CPU, with a iBUYPOWER 240mm Addressable RGB Liquid Cooling System.

I bought this desktop on 12/10/2021.

Using HWInfo to check temps.
It shut off playing Harry Potter yesterday, so I thought it would be a good idea to watch temps cuz I had no idea why.
While playing HP it gets to 90-105
While playing Civ 6 today it got to 105 again.

However, the second I turn off the game and just browse, it goes to 45-55 tops.

Does this imply that it's a software issue and not my CPU since the temps go down so quickly and maintain 45-55? Why would it be good at cooling idle/browsing but weak on higher load?

Is it time to buy a new AIO cooler? Or should I work through some settings or something?
Gaming calls for alot more power and usage from the cpu thus the higher temps. When just browsing the internet the cpu is at lower power usage and thus generates less heat. I would first check to see if your cooling plate is in good contact with your cpu. You can check the spreading of the thermal paste to make sure the cpu and cooling plate are all covered. Changing the settings on the AIO cooler to higher/highset setting may help. But with the high temperature fluctuations something isn't right. Either the cooling plate is not seated properly or the cooler itself is not working properly.
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Issue is happening with an 11700KF CPU, with a iBUYPOWER 240mm Addressable RGB Liquid Cooling System.

I bought this desktop on 12/10/2021.

Using HWInfo to check temps.
It shut off playing Harry Potter yesterday, so I thought it would be a good idea to watch temps cuz I had no idea why.
While playing HP it gets to 90-105
While playing Civ 6 today it got to 105 again.

However, the second I turn off the game and just browse, it goes to 45-55 tops.

Does this imply that it's a software issue and not my CPU since the temps go down so quickly and maintain 45-55? Why would it be good at cooling idle/browsing but weak on higher load?

Is it time to buy a new AIO cooler? Or should I work through some settings or something?
Did the problem appear now or since the build? 55 idle is hot too
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Did the problem appear now or since the build? 55 idle is hot too

A day before I posted this my computer shut itself off by itself. I never had thermal issues prior to that (to my knowledge, I am unaware of how hot it was running prior to this. I thought it was weird and checked my event viewer. The event viewer didn't say anything regarding why, so I thought maybe it's temperature related and started monitoring my HWInfo while playing games. It got to 105, and 55 idle.

I've had this computer since December of 2021. I checked temps about 4 months after buying it with HWInfo, and it showed no signs of temperature issues. So I believe it's all new. I've been gaming a lot more recently as well, about 8 hours a day for the past 2 weeks.

One other thing, how is the the air flow in your pc case? What is the fan set up?

I have 3 fans in the front of the case blowing out of the front, 2 in the top for the CPU cooler, 2 in the back, and the side panel is glass but I have it off and leaning against the side rather than pushed on completely.

Does this cooler have a black cube embedded in the radiator, and is it mounted in the roof of the case?

Terribly sorry but I'm unsure what this black cube you're speaking of is. I've never had an AIO Water cooler before so I'm unsure what to look for.

It has a heatsink/block thing on the cpu itself, which I believe is what you might be referring to? then there are 2 tubes that go up to the top of my case where there are 2 fans and I believe another radiator of some sort. A rectangular black thing (I can't take it off just yet to see exactly - can't find my tools). But that's what I can see from the inside at the moment.

For further info- There is no hot air coming out of the radiator/2 fans at the top that I mentioned. Normally there would be. The fans are working, both of them, at high RPM (1600-2000). When i put my hand CLOSE to the fan with the tubes closest to it, I feel some warmth, but no hot air being pushed out.

Update: As an added update, I bought an Arctic Freeze II, 240MM AIO water cooler and some thermal paste remover/"purifier", and some arctic silver 5.

If I replace it with this- And it still has heating issues, what's the most likely issue?
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Since at first you didn't have problems (as you say), it looks like:
1) The cooler "block" isn't seated properly on top of the CPU anymore. Maybe it wasn't installed correctly in the first place and moving/nudging the case unseated it slightly. If that's the reason, you shouldn't have bought a new one :/
2) The pump isn't working, so the warm water isn't circulating towards the radiator for the heat to dissipate. Unsure about your cooler, but if it has a seperate cable for the pump, check if it's connected (some ppl connect on the motherboard, others on a PSU cable).
3) (quite unlikely, you should have noticed that) You had cooling fluid leak, maybe slowly over time, so there's less of it in the circuit.
4) Bad fan orientation, general case air flow. Like the AIO radiator fans blowing hot air inside the case, towards the CPU (that's more common than you think!)

Since you bought a new one, if you install it properly (CPU seating, proper amount of thermal paste, Radiator+fan orientation) and still have problems, you might be looking at a faulty CPU, but that's super rare.
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Does this cooler have a black cube embedded in the radiator, and is it mounted in the roof of the case?
After running the pc for about fifteen minutes feel the tubes going to and leaving the radiator. How do they feel temperature wise? One other thing you can try while you are changing/checking the thermal paste on the cooling plate, is to remove the radiator from the top and turn it up side down and right side up a few times to dislodge any air bubbles that may have become lodged in the radiator. Then reinstall it and see if anything changes.
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Terribly sorry but I'm unsure what this black cube you're speaking of is. I've never had an AIO Water cooler before so I'm unsure what to look for.
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I bought a new cooler to replace it. Thank you for all your help. It looks like the pump was dead according to the suggestions 🙁

Thank you all for educating me and being patient with helping me! Much appreciated :))))

I don't see a way to mark this as solved.
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I bought a new cooler to replace it. Thank you for all your help. It looks like the pump was dead according to the suggestions 🙁

Thank you all for educating me and being patient with helping me! Much appreciated :))))

I don't see a way to mark this as solved.
I think by our avatars (not yours) there's a trophy icon that you select as best answer or something? Haven't started a thread in like forever.

Good to know that you solved your issue, even if you had to buy something new!