CPU cooler: Get a real air cooler not cheap water cooler.
RAM: Save some money on RAM and get a 970 gpu.
GPU: 770 to 970 is big and price justifies it.
PSU: 750W is plenty if you want to SLI one day. That mobo supports SLI too. I'd suggest trying to get a better mobo, possibly the ASRock Extreme 4 or Asus Z97-A.
SSD: the 840evo is excellent and large enough. BF4 is 60gb.
HDD: better quality in my opinion. PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
http://pcpartpicker.com/p/Mjv9yc this build is amazing. I'm not sure if you wanted to keep the liquid cooler or switch to a hyper 212 so i just left the cooler alone. but all in all this build is great! the 970 sc is a great card. Also ill suggest to buy most of these parts during black Friday. you will save a lot of money
To be honest, the 'crap PSU' one is an order of magnitude more crappy than the CX/CXM/CS ones - they might fail early or put out nasty ripple, but they probably won't catch fire or explode while at a fifth of rated power.