120gb WD Passport Data Recovery


Aug 10, 2015
I had an old 120GB WD Passport (like 7yrs old) die on me. I stupidly was using it as my main source of storing all my files since my laptop is on the fritz & has little room on it. PC & MAC could see it, but I could not access it. It whirled & spinned but than stopped. I took it to Geek Squad & they evaluated it as a Level 3 issue. Put out the $$$ they asked to send it out again & they came back saying they couldn't recover anything. Is it worth it to try somewhere else once they send me back the hard drive or have I lost everything for good? If it's worth it, anyone have suggestions on where to send it/what to do? I have no idea if it's coming back whole or what. I think it will be put back together, but may not be able to put it in a usb port.
You should try taking it out of the enclosure and plugging it directly into the PC, but most likely they have tired that already. Most of the time as long as the drive it self works you can usually recover data off it easily but if there is hardware failure a lot of times you got to go to the big places and spend the $$$ to get your data off of it.
You should try taking it out of the enclosure and plugging it directly into the PC, but most likely they have tired that already. Most of the time as long as the drive it self works you can usually recover data off it easily but if there is hardware failure a lot of times you got to go to the big places and spend the $$$ to get your data off of it.
Welcome to the community, designer_fairy!

I'm sorry to hear about your data, that's why it's highly recommended to keep it stored on at leas two different locations. :( I'd suggest you to take a look at WD's Data Recovery Partners worldwide and get in touch with some of them. They might be able to help you retrieve your files. Here's a link to the list, depending on your location: http://products.wdc.com/support/kb.ashx?id=FBfPkY

Best of luck! Hope this helps! :)


Aug 16, 2013

He sent it out for data recovery via Geek Squad. They use Kroll Ontrack, which used to be a very solid data recovery lab but now charges individuals low flat rates and has pretty bad success rates(it's different if you';re a business with a server/SAN).

You should definitely try to get a second opinion from one of the WD data recovery partners that SuperSoph linked to.

Just know that Geek Squad already sent it out to Ontrack on your behalf, so try someone else.

Dude. Old thread.

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