128GB SSD or 1T 7200RPM?


Nov 6, 2012
Computer to be used for heavy computation work running multiple programs; some heavy duty image processing of electron microscope files. Would the SSD or high RPM be a better fit for rapid processing, rapid access, and of course storage of large info during processing.

From what I've been gathering here from others' previous posts, the high RPM would be the better fit for my processing needs.

Any advice welcome. Thank you in advance!

Usually SSDs aren't used alone in PC. People pair up SSD(for OS and programs) and HDD(for files/storage). If you need storage space for large files, you should go with HDD, because i don't see how lone 128Gb ssd will fit your needs. If you don't have money to spend on both SDD and HDD, then there is other option. Western Digital manufactures HDD which have 10 000 RPM, http://wdc.com/en/products/products.aspx?id=20