[SOLVED] 13 rgb fans 1 commander pro 1 commander core HELP


Feb 3, 2016
Ok so yes overkill on fans and RGB I KNOW! Setup: three front intake fans, three bottom intake fans, 3 RAD intake fans at side of case, 3 top fans outtake and 1 rear fan outtake. I’m in the process of installing everything and am trying to think ahead for wiring it all up. I’m trying to figure out how to wire up the 13th fan. My brain feels like mush so I‘m asking here.
The commander pro has 2 usb slots which are being taken up by the commander core ( that came with the AIO)and one of the lighting nodes that came with one of the 3 packs of fans. Both of those devices have rgb slots for 6 fans each. I figured the rear fan pwr can be plugged straight into the MOBO but where does it’s rgb go?
I have 3 more lighting nodes but where would I plug their USB cords in? Should I buy an internal usb splitter? If so should the splitter be plugged into commander pro or the MOBO? I feel like I’m missing something here! Any advice is welcome!

Oh also how exactly do you use the temperature sensor cables that come with commander pro? Do you just string them in different places in the case or some place specific?


Parts list if you’re curious: https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Twistfaria/saved/hNpnt6
With 12 other rgb fans in there, it would take me about a month to notice one didn't have RGB. If not longer, took me about a year to notice details on my ram sticks.

9 intake fans, sure PC won't explode? You probably don't need the rear exhaust with that much air going into case, it won't need help finding its way out. That would answer question of where to put 13th rgb

I don't have an answer for the sensor cables. or where to plug things in. Sorry.
So are you running the comanded pro and the comander core at the same time ?

If so from what I have read from the corsair forums and in the instructions you can run 3 fans per channel so using pwm / rgb splitters may help.

Thanks for the quick replies guys.
Yes both commander pro and commander core and one normal lighting node will all be used.
If I use an RGB splitter will the hardware/software know that and still give me control over each fan or will speed and RGB be repeated for both fans on the splitter?

Another question I have is are 13 fans and the aio too much for one PSU cable? Should I split the load up by using more than one cable?
Yeah I figured. What about the power load on one cable issue? Also would it be possible to plug the 13th fan rgb wire directly into the argb header on the MOBO? I’m guessing doing that would mean it wouldn’t be able to be controlled by the icue software but I’m more concerned with frying the fan or not.
I read somewhere that some one burned out a fan by connecting it directly to the MOBO but in reading other things I suspect that he plugged it into the normal 4 pin rgb header which runs on 12v rather than 5v. But at this point my brain is still struggling with too much information.