14 year old Australian boy arrested in Bali over marijuana.

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Well, another arrest on Australian in possession of drug in Bali. This time a 14 year old boy. Do you think the boy use it? Or did he just picked it up in one of the club in Bali and decide to keep it out of curiosity? Or do you think he is being used to traffic the drug by his parents?


I think the Indonesian need to refine their court system by having a youth court. I hope our forgine minister, Kevin Rudd, can bring the boy safely back home without being locked in an Indonesian jail. The jail experience will scar the boy for life.

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He was probably an easy target. Most of the time they tip off the officials on one carrier and then the second carrier with the big load goes through.
I don't see why they would do that to harm a child. They are truly evil if they do. Luckily, the custom in Australia, I think, is very good in detecting drugs. Hopefully we can arrest those real drug carrier.
But arresting the 14 yrs old and punish him with long jail terms is not going to solve the problem.

First of all, I don't believe the child is an addict or is willingly/knows that he is carrying drug.

Second of all, even if the child is an addict or willingly/knows that he is carrying drugs. Keeping him long jail terms and disrupt his education will be detrimental for the child in the future.

Many people who serves jail sentence will no commit another crime ever again in their lives. They will live a normal life and we should encourage them back to the society.

But there is also a risk for a child of such a young age to stray from the correct path and pick up more ideas/methods for criminal activity in an adult jail environment; going to jail could be like attending a university for a degree in crime for the child.
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