[SOLVED] $1400 for rtx 2080 Ti FTW3 or $1000 for RTX 2080 ti XC black


Jul 16, 2018
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Hi I am trying to buy a used 2080 Ti. I have these two options and I'm wondering if the 2080 Ti FTW is worth the 400 bucks premium?
Yep. The XC black is Evga base model. FTW3 is top of the line. That includes a decent bump of the Ti over the non-Ti.

As long as you plan on keeping it a good while. If it's a stop-gap waiting for a better gpu, then no.
Yep. The XC black is Evga base model. FTW3 is top of the line. That includes a decent bump of the Ti over the non-Ti.

As long as you plan on keeping it a good while. If it's a stop-gap waiting for a better gpu, then no.

I do plan on keeping it indefinitely. But I'm asking is the FTW 2080 Ti really worth 400 bucks over the XC black. Even the MSRP is not that much higher.
I would say no. The higher tier GPUs have (usually) only slightly better coolers, and come with a slightly higher base overclock. The actual performance gain between a base level and high tier GPU model, is not that much. Especially not enough to justify a 40% price increase. If you want to, and your case has good airflow/cooling, then you can even possibly overclock the standard XC to match the clocks of the FTW3, but this is not guaranteed to be possible. The bigger FTW3 cooler makes it easier to reach and maintain higher clocks, as well as being a better binned GPU, but IMO it is still not worth the extra money for the slight performance gain, especially if your case is good for keeping a GPU cool, which will allow you to manually boost a GPU higher, as the good case cooling will compensate a little for the weaker GPU cooler.
If you can talk the seller down some it would be certainly better.
Back the 1st part of Aug I bought a Ftw3 ultra with a EKwb Quantum Vector for $900.00.
I was able to talk the seller into taking $800.00 of the 900 he was asking and a picture of my drivers license which has NO SSN info to let test it out for a few hours and within 3 hrs called him to meet again for his other $100.00
Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The FTW 3 is one of the best 2080ti cards in general. That being said doesn't really matter that much for most people. I look at this as are you willing to pay $400 for more or less a warranty and only you can answer that question. EVGA will allow the warranty to transfer but it goes upon ship date to seller not purchase date so you would have to contact EVGA and see if you actually get 442 days. Asus doesn't allow transfers of warranty to my knowledge.
Asus cards are oddball. There's several years where even if seriously solid performance, and quiet, the results always put them in the mid-low end of the premium brands. And some years their cards can't be caught by anyone.

Gigabyte usually is #1 or #2, same with MSI, their best is top line, but can come at an auditory cost. Gigabytes tend to sacrifice audible performance for visual performance. But the same can be said for Zotac and several others.

I've not used anything branded Gigabyte in over 15 years, the last being a lga775 mobo, that's personal preference, but you'll find most pro reviewers almost universally will use an Auros Master mobo in test benches over Asus ROG or MSI Godlike, so they must be doing something right.

Is the Aorus Extreme good? Yes, it is.
Asus cards are oddball. There's several years where even if seriously solid performance, and quiet, the results always put them in the mid-low end of the premium brands. And some years their cards can't be caught by anyone.

Gigabyte usually is #1 or #2, same with MSI, their best is top line, but can come at an auditory cost. Gigabytes tend to sacrifice audible performance for visual performance. But the same can be said for Zotac and several others.

I've not used anything branded Gigabyte in over 15 years, the last being a lga775 mobo, that's personal preference, but you'll find most pro reviewers almost universally will use an Auros Master mobo in test benches over Asus ROG or MSI Godlike, so they must be doing something right.

Is the Aorus Extreme good? Yes, it is.

Wish I had seen this earlier. I went with the Strix 2080 Ti @Karadjgne
The Strix 2080ti was #1 best card out of the box vrs all the others in its class, in every catagory. Would also take OC better than most. As well as being on par with the MSI Gaming for quietness. Because of the custom PCB, Asus was able to seriously improve on power delivery and components over the reference boards. It's a Hella good card. It's got the cooling and power delivery available if you'd prefer to bump the OC to the Evga FTW3 levels.

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