Question 1440p ultra-wide monitor - 16:9 Issues

Feb 5, 2019
Hey People, I have BenQ EX3501R 1440p ultra-wide monitor, I occasionally stream, and when I stream, I would like to use 16:9, however when I do this, it stretches to 21:9 anyway, any ideas on how to fix this ?
There is one solution:
Go to NVIDIA control panel, Adjust Size and Position, set to Maintain Aspect Ratio and perform scaling on GPU, override games. Now you should be able to change to 1920×1080 without stretching, and record as if you were on a 1080p monitor.
There is one solution:
Go to NVIDIA control panel, Adjust Size and Position, set to Maintain Aspect Ratio and perform scaling on GPU, override games. Now you should be able to change to 1920×1080 without stretching, and record as if you were on a 1080p monitor.

Ill try it when I get home, thanks :).