144hz Monitor looking horrible at everything below 100FPS


Jan 19, 2015
I have that problem with my 144hz Monitor from Acer that every time my framerate is any lower than round about 100, my game looks choppy all the time.
I've made a little video with Minecraft @300FPS and @60FPS so you may be able to see the difference.
Can be found here: https://www.amazon.de/clouddrive/share/AuZF2iIHfgTs8BEoGNO_KJSRQLc3W6FAYqZGzdnnATw

The exact modell is acer gn246hlbbid.

My rig is this:

CPU: i7 4790k @ 4.7 Ghz (unparked)
CPU Cooler: Corsair Hydro Series H80i
GPU: Gigabyte GTX 970 G1 Gaming
RAM: Kingston HyperX Fury 8GB @ 1866MHz
SSD: Samsung 840 Evo 250GB
Connection: 100/6,25

If your fps is less than your monitor refresh rate, it has to display some of the frames twice to fill in the gaps. Unless you're sitting at 72fps (in which case every frame would be displayed twice) you're going to get inconsistencies in the picture because some of the frames are being displayed twice, and some of them are being displayed only once.

They key is to tie your frames per second as closely to your monitor refresh rate as possible.
I'd suggest trying without V-sync on. When ever you use V-sync and are not locked at an even divisible of your refresh rate, you will get as JakeAlmighty mentioned. Without it, everything is displayed more consistently. Be aware that tearing becomes visible, but with a 120hz monitor, it is far less noticeable than with a 60hz monitor.
both of those aren't used. The video doesn't display that good as i only captured it with my S4. The thing is that recordings look perfectly fine (doen with Fraps, dxtory or Shadowplay) but yet it looks bad on my end (monitor)
it does happen in more or less every game. In some Games (Bf 3,4 & Hardline) i'm not having that much of a problem as i usually get above 120 frames but when it comes to constantly be between 70-100 everything goes poop
I'm not completely sure about how it all works, but i have a friend who recently got a 144hz monitor.. he also says that anything below 100fps looks choppy and laggy.. i then asked him to come over and play some games on my pc with a 60hz monitor.. guess what.. he said it looked choppy and laggy while i on the other hand think it all looks good.. In your case however, i'm not sure if it's because you got used to your games running over 100fps or it's because there's something wrong.. the video you provided isn't telling me much, it looks pretty normal to me on 60fps.

Idk if it's even comparable, but i remember the days when 30fps was the ****, but after going to 60fps.. 30 just wasnt enough anymore. Just my 2 cents.