15.8 beta driver for r9 390 GPU status


Aug 20, 2015
Alright guys, I've downloaded it and am gonna leave my computer running an downloading stuff in torch all night and then gonna play GTA5 tomorrow an see how stable it gets.

I couldnt get the drivers to install on a complete fresh copy of windows 8.1. it would freeze about 30% through installing and would have to restart. trial an error an many hours later, I disconnected the cable from the card that attached to my TV an it was able to instal completly succesfully. havent had a blackscreen yet an been running for about 4 hours
ok So GTA crashed within about 30 minutes, so went back to driectX10 an was able to finish intro an log onto GTA online. Been doing alot of stuff so havent had the oppurtunity to really game for hours so today ima pickup where I left off. Also, this new driver is giving me the loading trouble where as previous driver did not (Load up windows but blackscreen comes when it should be the password logon screen.) this issue was going on awhile ago an a workaround was to put your windows instal disc in the disk drive an restart. Luckily it still works, only way I can seem to get to desktop. will post another review in a few hours
So I switched back to dx11 and GTA5 crashed after about the time it takes to do Prison Break final mission, not all setups. So for time being just gonna keep it on dx10 (Which still looks amazing anyways) untill its finally fixed.

btw my computer consist of
; Intel i5-3570k (LGA1155)
Asus P8 Z77-V PRO motherboard
2x G.Skill RipJaw DDR3-2133 PC3-17000 8192mb sticks
ASUS Radeon r9 390x STRIX 8gb GPU
HX1050 CORSAIR Power Supply 1050watt
3dmark Benchmark testing worked fine with 15.7, but trying it on 15.8beta driver set it crashed befor it started, went immidiatley blackscreen'd
was this driver actually a step backward?
I replaced an Nvidia 970 with an Asus R9 390 last month and I've had some problems. Overheating, Black screening, freezing crash, blue screening and restarting. I'm not going to tell you how much work that was (unless you want to read it) to get it to stop crapping out, except most of the bugs I worked out all except in one game, Call of Duty Advanced Warfare (CoD AW), which just crashes to the desktop on the first game. After I restart the game, everything's fine. WTF? Go figure. So it goes last week.
I repaired DirectX 11 but after reading Windows 7 doesn't support DirectX 12, I can't keep from wondering if the games being updated to run with DirectX 12 isn't affecting those who run DirectX 11. I read many times gamers complaining about error code IDXGISwapChain0x887a0005 Crash. Most are doing little odd fixes, settings to the game and video drivers to get it to stop crashing.
Yesterday, I read some gamers asking for help because the new game updates now crash their 'was perfect' game.
even switched back to directx10 an played GTA5 for about an hour an it crashed. playin story mode too 🙁 just happened bout 10 minutes ago. This new beta driver is less stable than an earlier version.....sheeeeesh!
IGDXISwapChain 0x887a5000 Crash is a DirectX issue and I fooled around with DirectX 10 & 11 without much success. I don't crash complete out of Windows 7 anymore but when I play the game, Call of Duty Advance Warfare, I crash to the desktop once in the first game, then it's fine. It won't crash after that. All this means is the problems still there. 5h!t.
Going back to the basic problem with black screens and crashing is power and powers supply. Obviously 750w is enough, so says what AMD's recommending. So I'm going to try to increase core voltage 20% in MSI Afterburner to see if I can use a little power boost past the issue. It's a another work around fix. I'm hoping I clear around the crash failsafe settings in the graphic card.
I still think it has to do with the new updates by games makers like Activison, Frostbite, Rockstar, EA, etc.. They updated the games to include Windows 10 and DirectX 12, 3D. Since earlier versions of Windows (Vista, 7, 8) doesn't support (can't run) DirectX 12, 3D, the game may need more power to overcompensate the extra D3 feature. Just a theory.
It's a work around but some guys are have been using it with some success. I'm not upgrading yet to Windows 10 yet because I need to understand and become familiar with it and to see how much spying Windows 10 does.
right on man, well keep me posted. Ive only had experience with windows 8.1 I hope I didnt forget to mention that. I wish I could try windows 10 but my free upgrade freezes during the download like many others. but me personally, Im convinced its their driver issues but Ive also read about voltage inc/dec had brought alittle light at the end of the tunnel so yea man please keep me posted.
Well, it didn't crash today (15 minutes) so I'll test it again, tomorrow. There's a whole bunch of people complaining and looking for help for this problem. I'd like to say it's the fix but I think it's really a program issue. My opinion is, Microsoft is wanting everyone to upgrade to Windows 10. They've done denials before in some form or another.
There was a time I was an Apple user and we were waiting for Bungie to come out with then new 'Halo', a replacement for 'Marathon'. About three months before Halo's release, Microsoft bought out Bungie and cancelled the release for Apple users.
I was p!553d. Microsoft didn't even release it for PC. Windows wasn't included. It was just exclusive for Xbox. Arrrgh.
I didn't make the move to buy an Xbox so I couldn't play 'Halo". Instead, I played Marathon till Medal of Honor came out for P.C.
Getting back to my point, I have my suspicions about Microsoft. Microsoft could easily pay-off the game makers or position them to use DirectX 12 3D, to cause everyone to move up to Windows 10. They probably know it causes problems with DirectX 10 & 11 users. That's what they want it to do. DirectX 12 3D would help Microsoft usher Windows 10 in. Nobody can play internet games unless they got or installed a registered copy. Sure, it's bogus but that's the problem with the only O.S. in town.
Microsoft has been known for being ruthless. Ask the ex-employees of NetScape.
Early last week, I uninstalled everything from video drivers, game optimizers, Origin and Steam and reinstalled them, again. So far it's run pretty steady. Origin and Steam reloaded my game mods and awards so that was nice. At the beginning of this week I've been overclocking the card. I'm 1120mhz and raised the fan speed 70% There's a little heat, 72c and sometimes 86c peak. Gonna try and push it a little bit higher next week. Pretty happy now. One crash 5 days ago playing Call of Duty Advance Warfare at lower fan speed settings (25%). Once raised, I took up the clocks again. Looks peechee. Battlefield 3 & 4 run great, tested the beta Star Wars/BattleFront with excellent results. With mouse sensitivity up and dpi settings up it's quicker than my 970. Horrah! It's doing what I paid for it. Keep you posted.