I am looking into coverting a bicycle into an electric bicycle. I would like to use 18650 or 26650 batteries. Due to my 48v configuration to generate around 52v takes 14 cells. This means that the cells need to be able to carry 20.8 amps, or 23 if i could 25 or more. I am shooting for around 7 dollars a cell. The reason I am choosing an 18650 config as opposed to a 12v SLA battery is due to versatility of configuration. I don't know about the requirements of running in parallel though. If i can i would run the stacks in series to bump the voltage, then put these two stacks in parrallel this would drop the neccesary amperage, but I don't know if the final terminals on the output stack need to be capable of around 21 amps. If any advice thanks