1928 Reallocated Sectors on 5 months old HDD in CrystalDiskInfo. Is this bad?


May 8, 2017
When I ran CrystalDiskInfo it says caution and shows that I have 1928 reallocated sectors. Its just like 5 months old and just like 650 power on hours. What does this reallocated sectors means? Should I worry? When I fill the HDD to like a mere 60 to 65 percent it freezes sooo much. Its a 1 TB Toshiba MQ01ABD100
Reallocated sectors are when sectors have gone bad, so the data on those sectors is moved (remapped) to a reserved area.

If the reallocated sector count increases, it means more bad sectors have been found, this is a sign of a failing drive.

Take action immediately to avoid data loss (ie backup your data, then replace the drive).

As it's only 5 months old, contact the manufacturer for a possible warranty claim.
I would backup everything on the drive and get a new one

Description. Reallocated Sectors Count S.M.A.R.T. parameter indicates the count of reallocated sectors (512 bytes). When the hard drive finds a read/write/verification error, it marks this sector as "reallocated" and transfers data to a special reserved area (spare area).

once it runs out, it can fail at any moment
Reallocated sectors are when sectors have gone bad, so the data on those sectors is moved (remapped) to a reserved area.

If the reallocated sector count increases, it means more bad sectors have been found, this is a sign of a failing drive.

Take action immediately to avoid data loss (ie backup your data, then replace the drive).

As it's only 5 months old, contact the manufacturer for a possible warranty claim.