Question 1gbps vs 2.5gbps for gaming and the future ?


Sep 5, 2013
My setup:


Is 1gbps internet speed enough for today's gaming (installing large games using steam, blizzard client etc)? I also want to download large files: 4-15GB in size.

Or should I sell my Moca adapters and upgrade to a 2.5gbps setup ? (2.5gbps Moca adapters and a 2.5gbps switch ?) isn't this more future proof ?


how about concurrent downloads ? Is faster internet speed better ?
And how much are you actually downloading?
And how often?

Also, keep in mind that whatever server you're connecting to can't completely fill everyones pipe at the same time.
Just because you personally have a 1-2.5-10gb connection, does not mean they can ore will provide it to you at that speed.
You need to do the math and then put a value on the time you save.

It takes about 5 minutes to download the 40GBYTE at 1gbit example you gave....assuming the remote servers allow it. If you were to go to 2gbit it would be 2.5 minutes.

So if the cost is a extra $50 a month to go from 1gbit to 2gbit is it worth $50 to save 2.5 minutes. Even if you did downloads daily you are now saving maybe 1hr in a month. Is it really worth $50 per hour saved to you.

In general fast internet is all a scam for the ISP to make more money. People think faster internet magically makes everything better but it only really helps large file downloads. The actual fiber/cable outside your house is actually shared by all you neighbors. They might sell the same 1gbit plan to 100 people when the actual media can only do say 5gbit. They know that it is unlikely that even 5 people would be maxing out their connection at any one time.
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"They know that it is unlikely that even 5 people would be maxing out their connection at any one time."

And if the ISP does know they probably do not care because there is not much that anyone can really do about being oversold.

Read all the fine print in the EUA/contract/terms.

My personal cynicism conceded.