1st gaming pc any suggestions?

Frosted blakes

Aug 8, 2016
My budget is around 800$. Since this is my first gaming pc I would like to know if any thing can be lowered to save money or upgraded to run these games.

I would like to run these games at a normal or maximum setting if possible.

Battlefield 4
And any upcoming AAA titles

Pc setup:

Monitor:1920 x 1080

I would personally get a 1070, in my opinion. Also I would drop that cd drive, and upgrade the ram to 16gb. When I'm playing bf4 i'm using about 8.4gb's, using skype steam, and some other tabs open.

P.S future proofing like crazy if you get the 1070, because a card like the 750ti overclocked can run bf4 max at 80fps from my experience aka my current card
Yes it can I have the benches to prove it, considering the overclock I have on this card is insane. 1430mhz Also I have the i5 6600k
also I wouldn't get a ssd unless you just want to install bf3,4,5? lol it's a fucking loading sim. and I wouldn't put it as the boot drive mine takes 10 seconds go from powered off to homescreen
So you have overclocked the 750ti to 780+ in regards to bf4, 1080p, ultra performance?

Ok, if you wish to share the benches id certainly love to see it. But regardless, its not representative of the norm and thus in general the 750ti won't manage those kind of frames.

SSDs do far more for overall system performance. Using hard drives now feels painfully slow. If you haven't tried an ssd id recommended it!

Please don't swear.