1TB "Modern Art" HDD Houses $5M in Pirated Software

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[citation][nom]inerax[/nom]I don't think D3 is going to be hacked.... online only.Remember when starcraft 2 came out?? everyone said the "Hackers" would get lan play working? nope.Diablo 3... if you want to play it... pay for it... or wait for free trial.[/citation]
You do realize that people HAVE indeed made LAN play for SC2 right?

And did online play keep WoW from being hacked? No, there are private severs out there and have been from almost from the beginning.

I have little doubt that within a few days of release there will be some sort of crack done to make D3 playable offline.
[citation][nom]DSpider[/nom]Hey, thanks Tom's! Do you also have a link to that 21 GB font collection?[/citation]
I was wondering that too >.>
[citation][nom]wildkitten[/nom]You do realize that people HAVE indeed made LAN play for SC2 right?And did online play keep WoW from being hacked? No, there are private severs out there and have been from almost from the beginning.I have little doubt that within a few days of release there will be some sort of crack done to make D3 playable offline.[/citation]
Private servers for WoW suck. Most arent accurate to the real game and all are WAY behind and cant reproduce the content that the original has.
How they can keep it is anyones guess. To say of none use might be the idea, yes? Or not, just the fact having say illegal downloads should say having them isn't the idea.

Still of it he idea alone is probably something more then not though. Cause given otherwise, even for the site of something that would have so much would come around how often? Even an exhibition to say probably wouldn't carry the idea but just of it. Probably for good reason too.

Still though again, if anything might be able to get compensated for the power in which it would cost to operate it to run the hard drive to retrieve the content. The contenet has a good chance is being within a percentage of say would it took to deleiver it in terms of electrical costs.

Still, either way of it though having 5mil worth of software on the ready for use. Given though there are the links to say, so probably not the best use of software with any. Of it though, what would there be to question?

1TB "Modern Art" HDD Houses $5mil in Pirated Software. If there wasn't a question then might be the time for one (or not) and just kinda take a "look around".
I'm trying to save everything i will need after the 2012 armaggeddon!!!
Will that work on court???

Anyway...1Tb isn't enough, you need 2Tb just like m......IT'S A TRAP!!
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