2.4ghz signal keeps dropping on asus rt-ac68u

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Dec 23, 2015
I bought this router 2 years ago and the 2.4ghz kept dropping signal on my laptop, I got a replacement tried to update firmware and many other things and could not get it to work so I just returned it and got a d-link router. My d-link router finally broke so I got a free router from t-mobile, which of course was an asus rt-ac68u.

Ever since I got it the 2.4ghz keeps dropping on both of my laptops, one with win 7 and the other with win 10. The 5ghz signal never drops and works perfectly, the weird thing is that when my phone, ps4, and blu-ray player are connected to the 2.4 signal, the wifi never drops for them, only for my laptops. I also had my friend bring over his mac to see if it was my laptops or the router and when he was using the 2.4 signal it kept dropping, so for some reason laptops that connect to the 2.4 signal keep dropping about every 15 minutes, then it takes a couple of minutes to reconnect.

Anyone have any ideas of how I might be able to fix this, I don't want to buy a router if I don't have to.
This happens on the RT-AC56U and RT-AC66U too. I'm disappointed to hear Asus has not fixed it yet.

The crazy thing is that you can connect to the 2.4 GHz guest network just fine. It's the 2.4 GHz regular private network which suffers the connection drops.

The Merlin firmware doesn't fix it (didn't expect it to since it doesn't update the radio). The only thing I didn't try was installing a 3rd party firmware like DD-WRT. You might want to give that a shot.
This happens on the RT-AC56U and RT-AC66U too. I'm disappointed to hear Asus has not fixed it yet.

The crazy thing is that you can connect to the 2.4 GHz guest network just fine. It's the 2.4 GHz regular private network which suffers the connection drops.

The Merlin firmware doesn't fix it (didn't expect it to since it doesn't update the radio). The only thing I didn't try was installing a 3rd party firmware like DD-WRT. You might want to give that a shot.


Dec 23, 2015

thanks for the suggestion, I decided to give the guest network a try first and it has been working great since. All I did was remove the original 2.4ghz and opened the guest network, renamed it and set up the password. I also check to see that the guest network and original network use the same security encryption/level so it's just as safe, no reason to spend hours trying to fix the original 2.4ghz signal


Oct 23, 2017
I have an RT-AC88U router. Great router - when it works. I ran the latest firmware upgrade a few days after its release. The update went without a hitch. After the update I restarted and noticed that the 2.4GHz radio kept disconnecting devices and then they slowly reconnected. Had that happen before and I was annoyed because I ended up completely wiping the router's memory, then reinstalling the firmware with their recovery tool, then resetting the router again, then restoring the router by hand (not from backup). It was awful but solved the problem. After trying to clear the settings and then restoring them from a recent backup didn't work I ended up doing just that. So, If you have an Asus router, I would highly recommend keeping a set of settings screenshots on hand because you will need them after you update your router's firmware. It's such a flaw. ASUS should be ashamed having such terrible procedure to follow just to patch and update the firmware. Can you imagine to re-set up your computer or server after doing a software update? I can't. Shame on you ASUS!


Nov 5, 2017

Under wifi settings see if channel bandwidth is set to just 20mhz. That may fix it if its on 20/40


Dec 2, 2017

thought I would give a tip here. If your equipment don't support 40 mhz. So set the frequency from auto 20/40 to 20 kHz only setting under wireless.

This is what's causing the router to reset. My ten cents. Jan Henriksen

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