2 devices in one monitor


Jun 10, 2014
Hey, I have a pg278q monitor and I currently have my pc plugged into it via displayport. I also have an Xbox one in my living room; I game on both a lot. I want to move the xbox one into my computer room and run them both off of the same monitor. My original idea was to use an hdmi splitter with a selector switch, plug them both into it and use the switch to determine which device was displayed. I then remembered that the monitor is displayport, not hdmi, and in order to get 144 hz at 2k I need to be running displayport. Since the whole reason I got that monitor in the first place was 144 hz at 2k, running it off hdmi would defeat the purpose not to mention it would require me to buy an adapter cause the monitor only has one input and that one input is displayport. The way i'm thinking it would work is this: i have hdmi running from my xbox to some sort of hub/selector switch, I also have my pc running display port into that switch, and then I have one displayport cable running from the hub/switch into my monitor. My only problem is I cannot find a device that does this. Is what I am requesting possible? Is there a better way to do this that I am not thinking of? Thanks in advance for any help.
The XboxOne can't even do 60FPS, so why do you think it will do 144? And it also doesn't do 2k resolution.

The XboxOne will always be limited to 60hz anyways because it's outputting through hdmi.

Another thread discussing the same issue: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-2002237/gaming-monitor-hdmi-dvi-dealing-144hz-120hz-refresh-rates.html

If you still wanna do it without the higher refresh benefits, you can get a displayport switch:
and then get an HDMI to Displayport adapter, but these are expensive, because what you're doing is converting UP, which is hard and requires processing. Converting down is easy, you just send less data...
I couldn't do that. My monitor is in a place that makes it extremely difficult to plug or unplug things into it. It would be way more trouble than it's worth. . I was hoping for something like this: http://www.monoprice.com/Product?p_id=8149&kpid=108149&gclid=CLuKrJWdgccCFU4vgQod8PoFsw, but with displayport instead of hdmi. The idea is to have both plugged into the same input in my monitor at once and switch between them with the splitter. i know this can be done with the device I just posted however it would require me to get an adapter to convert my displayport cable coming out of my pc into hdmi to plug into the splitter. I could do this, but really don't want to because I would be losing some signal quality and not getting the performance out of my monitor as hdmi cannot handle 2k at 144 hz.

try to find a displayport splitter, two displayport in and one out, connect the hdmi to an adapter and you will have your 2 input displayports, but dont think you can find one, its usually 1 in and 2 out.

you might have to use an extenstion from your monitor so you can easily change the displays but suffer loss in signal, thats an option.
Yeah, that's what i was thinking. I've been googling all day though and cannot find a displayport splitter. If you have found one could you link me to it? Also, thanks for your responses.
The XboxOne can't even do 60FPS, so why do you think it will do 144? And it also doesn't do 2k resolution.

The XboxOne will always be limited to 60hz anyways because it's outputting through hdmi.

Another thread discussing the same issue: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/id-2002237/gaming-monitor-hdmi-dvi-dealing-144hz-120hz-refresh-rates.html

If you still wanna do it without the higher refresh benefits, you can get a displayport switch:
and then get an HDMI to Displayport adapter, but these are expensive, because what you're doing is converting UP, which is hard and requires processing. Converting down is easy, you just send less data:

Most other cables/adpaters just turn a displayport signal into HDMI, easy. You want to do the hard way of converting upwards.

It'd be cheaper to just buy another monitor.
You misunderstand me. I don't need the displayport for my xbox one, I am fully aware of the consoles limitations. I need it for my PC. I want to be able to get the high refresh rate and resolution when PC gaming and then when my buddies get on I can just flip a switch and play xbox with them without having to plug/unplug stuff. Also thank you very much for that link. That's exactly what I was looking for and I am aware of how expensive it is. I have a very weird set up that makes this the only reasonable solution. Anyway, thanks for your help!