2 Mid Range duel graphics card or 1 single high end graphics card

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Apr 16, 2014

Looking for some advice.

I am planning on buying either the alienware 17 or 18 laptop.

i have worked out that i can either get a alienware 17 configuration with a high end (780m graphics card or go for a alienware 18 configuration with a lower end but duel card (860m sli) setup.

Is it better to get a single high end graphic card or duel mid level graphics cards.

both these setups are similarily priced based. they both have same amount of memory etc.

which setup would you recommend and why.

Any advice on this would be most appreciated.
Is it better to get a single high end graphic card

Namely! At least two cards means more complicated configuration. I would choose this way if I was you, not to mention that 2 cards will use more power than one and therefore be hotter which means more noise. Also on normal resolutions 2 cards can be equal to one high-end one. Other problem may be possible CPU usage due to the both slots adressed by it. Some games also don't support the SLI/Crossfire mode.

So finish with this hesitation and go for the single card piece. Best regards!

one big single is always better and simple then 2 or 3 . .

Sure it is! You may put 2 mid-end or even 3 low-end cards, but they will not be equal to one high end. If the user has the chance to choose, the result is clear - single high-end card is the best choice.

we've lost another one to the alienware 🙁
how much are you spending on this - because I can almost guarentee I can find something better spec wise for the same price.
as far as raw power goes - the 860M setup is faster, but there's bigger issues with cooling - however i'm sure alienware don't skimp out on cooling otherwise they'd be known as failures.
budget and location? i'll find something better.
My answer is only about the benefits and disadvamtages of using 1 and 2 cards. About the platform and the card itself - everyone has his own favorites.
As a rule using a single high-end card is preferably.

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