[SOLVED] 2060 super under Performing? (solved)


May 7, 2020
i just got a 2060 super, my friend has a 2060. other than that we have the same specs, yet he gets 20 more frames than me on average in each game. our cpu overclocks are the same, are ram speeds are the same, but he gets 20 more frames, i am looking to find an answer on why my card is either under-performing or just sucks? any help would be much appreciative
My card : https://www.newegg.com/evga-geforce-rtx-2060-super-08g-p4-3062-kr/p/N82E16814487485?Item=N82E16814487485

his card: https://www.newegg.com/evga-geforce-rtx-2060-06g-p4-2067-kr/p/N82E16814487442?Description=2060%20evga&cm_re=2060_evga-_-14-487-442-_-Product
Your friends card does have a higher boost clock at 1755 MHz compared to your 1650 MHz. THis just means that EVGA did some extra factory overclocking on his card compared to yours. If you have to thermal and power overhead you could try to overclock your to boost the clock speed and close the gap. It sems like you have the super version and he does not. So, I think you could catch them with some overclocking.
Your friends card does have a higher boost clock at 1755 MHz compared to your 1650 MHz. THis just means that EVGA did some extra factory overclocking on his card compared to yours. If you have to thermal and power overhead you could try to overclock your to boost the clock speed and close the gap. It sems like you have the super version and he does not. So, I think you could catch them with some overclocking.
Your friends card does have a higher boost clock at 1755 MHz compared to your 1650 MHz. THis just means that EVGA did some extra factory overclocking on his card compared to yours. If you have to thermal and power overhead you could try to overclock your to boost the clock speed and close the gap. It sems like you have the super version and he does not. So, I think you could catch them with some overclocking.
thank you
i just got a 2060 super, my friend has a 2060. other than that we have the same specs, yet he gets 20 more frames than me on average in each game. our cpu overclocks are the same, are ram speeds are the same, but he gets 20 more frames, i am looking to find an answer on why my card is either under-performing or just sucks? any help would be much appreciative
My card : https://www.newegg.com/evga-geforce-rtx-2060-super-08g-p4-3062-kr/p/N82E16814487485?Item=N82E16814487485

his card: https://www.newegg.com/evga-geforce-rtx-2060-06g-p4-2067-kr/p/N82E16814487442?Description=2060%20evga&cm_re=2060_evga-_-14-487-442-_-Product

Hi there,

maybe your card is thermo throttleling and his not...
Bought a Gigabyte RTX2060 super Windforce OC 8G (441.00euro) and send it back after 1 week.

Cooler only had 2 heatpipes and the temp was always Tmax under load...
Power limit 100 always 83C fan 100%
Power limit 108 max always 88C fan 100%
Undervolting gains 3C... no room to overclock...

For me that is unacceptable, and tomorrow my RTX 2070 super arrives :)

I hope for you that is not the problem , because letting the fan spin 100% al the time is not great, only thing you could do is watercool but this was not in the budget :) for me...