[SOLVED] 2080 Ti + i7 6700K bottleneck Blackout


Dec 2, 2016
As the title says I am getting low GPU usage and high CPU usage whenever I play blackout. I have the EVGA 2080Ti Black Edition.


Getting about 50-75% GPU usage in Blackout while my CPU usage stays around 80%+.

The only other demanding game I've played since getting this new card is No Man's Sky and I get up to 99% GPU usage in that game while CPU usage is relatively normal.

Is this normal or is my GPU being bottlenecked somehow?

It is really annoying because I am not hitting the desired FPS (120 Hz monitor) I want out of Blackout with a large portion of my GPU not being used. I know this game can be CPU intensive as well though. I think I should point out that I am not overclocking any of the components either.

Any feedback is appreciated.
That doesn't surprise me all that much, Overclocking your CPU would likely get you to your desired Frame-rate or at least mitigate it somewhat.

There isn't all that much risk as long as your CPU Cooler is adequate and you keep it within a reasonable Voltage.

You didn't mention what your settings are but one way of confirming whether you are CPU bound is to lower your graphical setting and seeing whether your Frame-rate increases or not.
That doesn't surprise me all that much, Overclocking your CPU would likely get you to your desired Frame-rate or at least mitigate it somewhat.

There isn't all that much risk as long as your CPU Cooler is adequate and you keep it within a reasonable Voltage.

You didn't mention what your settings are but one way of confirming whether you are CPU bound is to lower your graphical setting and seeing whether your Frame-rate increases or not.

I knew I was forgetting something..My settings are pretty much low across the board. Minus some high textures I believe. This was one reason why I was confused my GPU wasn't maxing out usage or at least in the high 80s and 90s for usage.

I had it OC'd for a few months at 4.4 and temps would get somewhat high. Then I realized I had my intake fans the wrong way so no air was coming in..I know it was stupid. I haven't tried OC'ing again since adjusting that but temps have been at least 20C lower so I might try it.