[SOLVED] 2133mhz on 3600 stix


Dec 1, 2020
Hi everyone, I just bought two kits of 16Gb(2*8Gb) 3600mhz corsair lpx (32gb total) in hopes of gaining some performance in productivity software as I've just been brought onto a dev team. But as the title states, I cant seem to get it to run at even 3200mhz. I have DOCP enabled but no where can I find that it's running at the profile speeds.

Before I get into it, here's my rig:
CPU: Ryzen 2600
Mobo: Asus Prime B450M-A
GPU: GTX1060 3gb (<paid way to much for this in the great GPU famine of 2017)
Ram: 32gb Corsair LPX 3600mhz (CMK16GX4M2D3600C18)

After doing some research I learned a couple of things that I probably should have known before I dropped the cash. First is that it sounds like Corsair - LPX especially - doesn't play nice with Ryzen chips.
Second is that the most I could really hope for out of this Ryzen chip and the motherboard for that matter is around 3200mhz.
Third as a bonus is that 2133mzh is the stix' SPD profile(?)

I don't really trust myself to mess with the timings or voltage but I might depending on how this thread goes.

I did however, get it to run at 3133mhz but the UEFI only sees each stick as being 2133mhz.

I really don't know all that much on the nitty gritty of computers... I know how to build em, fix em, program em, but it stops just shy of OCing em so I don't know if what im looking at is normal.

TL;DR: is it normal to see 2133mzh with DOCP enabled and having to manually adjust the ram speed when getting relatively high speed ram on ryzen boards?
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

First, not true, they play well with RyZen's you just need the right speeds for your platform.

Second, yes, that's partially true. You could coax the ram kit to get to those high speeds. Prerequisite is that you're on the latest BIOS update for the board and you're willing to tinker around the BIOS for a laxed ram timing.

What BIOS version are you currently on for your motherboard? You can actually get those rams to run at DDR4-3200MHz. Manually set the voltage to 1.35v and then set the frequency to DDR4-3200MHz, if you can boot to GUI then get back into BIOS and then start to dial in the timings.
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

First, not true, they play well with RyZen's you just need the right speeds for your platform.

Second, yes, that's partially true. You could coax the ram kit to get to those high speeds. Prerequisite is that you're on the latest BIOS update for the board and you're willing to tinker around the BIOS for a laxed ram timing.

What BIOS version are you currently on for your motherboard? You can actually get those rams to run at DDR4-3200MHz. Manually set the voltage to 1.35v and then set the frequency to DDR4-3200MHz, if you can boot to GUI then get back into BIOS and then start to dial in the timings.
Thanks! and thanks for the dummy quick reply!

Just updated my board to bios version 2203 using the built in utility, outdated bios was my first thought too...
Is there some where I could find a timing guide :sweatsmile: I really only know of timings i don't really know how to mess with them safely. and should I just turn off DOCP if i'm to do it manually?
when i was trying to get it up to 3200mhz earlier it would sometimes post and if it made it far enough windows would just crash after a few minutes.
I doubt there is a D.O.C.P profile for 3600MHz so disable that and manually configure your Timings and voltage in Bios. Ryzen dram calculator can help with getting the correct timings.

Although Ryzen 2600 officially supports 2933MHz memory you may achieve the rated speed of your RAM however there is no guarantee. It is the IMC on the chip that will determine that.

Mixing Two kits of RAM is never a good idea due to Latency differences so you may have a mismatch.

You can test this by using just one of the kits initially then try to add the other kit once your timings and voltage are correct and the system is stable.
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A Quick way to test this is to enable DOCP (that will set the timings and DRAM voltage which are stored on your RAM).
Then change the DRAM (Memory) Frequency to 2933 and see if that will boot.
View: https://imgur.com/BgmkcUb

If 2933 works, you can try changing the DRAM Frequency to 3200 and see if that will boot.

It looks like the fastest supported speed when using 4 RAM sticks on your MB is 2800, so that may be the Best you can get.
Memory_QVL_For_AMD_2000_Series_Processors_B450.pdf (asus.com)

G.Skill has a couple of 4x8 32GB 2933 kits that are compatible with your MB and CPU:
RAM Configurator-G.SKILL International Enterprise Co., Ltd.
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Yeah I took a picture of the timings before i turned off DOCP to use, I got DDR4-3200 running after bumping the dram voltage to 1.375 for about 45mins before I got "page fault in nonpaged area" blue screens. Setting it to anything above DDR4-3133 and my machine dies and doesn't post then posts in safe mode.

For now, I'm ok with DDR4-3133, it's better than my old kits running at DDR4-2400. I might try and get it running faster later or just upgrade the mobo and CPU but for now a 67mhz difference isn't worth the effort to me. I got the stix at a good deal and just wanted to make sure it wasn't a "too good to be true" situation where I actually got 2133mhz stix, I've got no experience with corsair so i thought I'd ask if the numbers I'm looking at are normal. I've got decent ram for the future - I'm happy with that

I appreciate the info and advice! Thanks!