240hz and 1080p or 144hz 1440p?

Oct 10, 2018
So I recently decided to get into pc gaming and I need help finding a monitor. I was originally going to get a 1440p, 144hzz monitor, but my friend said that he thought refresh rate was more important. He sent me a link to a good 240hz monitor, but then told me that I needed to upgrade my cpu if I wanted to get past 200 fps. My question to you is,"What is more important for gaming? Refresh rate or screen resolution?" Also, if I was to go with a 240hz monitor, would I need to change my i5-8600k and gtx 1080 to something better?
I vote for 1440p 144Hz as well. Not only would you benefit from increased resolution, but it would be extremely hard to hit 240Hz in most games.
Also, most likely not a true 240Hz panel.

All I have as of now is a laptop, so I can't really play much other than Minecraft and a really laggy fortnite, but I would like to try some other games when I build my pc such as Rainbow 6 and Fallout.