24Pin ATX connector for corsair CX430 V3


Sep 27, 2013
Hey guys,

I was building my first pc and after connecting everything up my system would not boot. This is my first computer build. After some examination I found that one of the wires on the 24-pin ATX connector of the power supply was disconnected. I had this power supply on another system for about 3 weeks and it was working fine, I tried to connect the power supply back on that same system and it doesn't operate now. I have had this power supply for about 4-5 weeks now. I tried fixing it but I couldn't, I also tried pushing the cable in to see if the system boots but it still doesn't. The pin header inside the connector is also broken (I broke it when I tried to get the power supply working). The pin that is broken is pin 13 on the 24-pin connector ( 2 orange wires are required to go into one whole, 3.3V pin ). the power supply works fine, I know this as I used the clip method and it works fine. I cant not return it to my supplier as I voided the warranty when trying to fix it.

Below are photos of the problem:




Used this website for information regarding this.


What are my options here?

How can this be repaired?

do I have to get a new power supply?


I contacted my providers but they have not replied, i'll have to wait 2 days till I can take it any where as its the weekend here ( New zealand )