250w psu for a 300w min. hd4350


Oct 19, 2009
Will my 250w psu work on a graphics card requiring 300w min.?

I just bought a 42inch plasma and want to use it as a computer monitor. The 2 main thing i do with computer is play world of warcraft and download/watch movies. I have a 250w psu and this has seemed to be the part that is holding me back from getting a better graphics card (besides funding). The cheapest card that i can find that will use my 42 plasma as a monitor is the hd4350. My question is that it requires a 300w psu min. and i only have 250w. I have read that people have used this, but i wanted to know more such as what risks are there and to what, the psu? or the video card?, and what kind of performance increase should i expect compared to my integrated intel g33/g31 express chipset family in my completely stock hp a6400f that I bought from staples?

This is the plan to get started as the benifits are i only need to buy a hdmi cable and the card, and i can get sound to my tv through the hdmi. This seems to be the cheapest and fastest way for me right now i think.

My next step is to get more hard drive, like a 1T either external or internal not sure, still learning about. And a new wireless keyboard/mouse that can reach from my couch.

Next step will require me to do more research but i am sure i should be able to do my self. And i only have staples in my town, and dont shop online. I want to get a new psu, and the bfg geforce nvidea 9800gt (best at my staples i think). This card will require me to buy the s/pdif cable (not sure if my staples sells it) to get sound from the motherbord to the card, and ill need the dongle for dvi to hdmi (not sure if my staples sells it). This is the plan however this will cost me alot more money and is months down the road. For now i just want to watch movies on my plasma tv that is only being used with bunny ears right now with 2 channels :(

Any tips, advise or help from some one that knows about my power supply issue, or the further upgrades that i plan on would be greatfull and appreciated very much. Many thanks in advance. thank-you:)


Sep 20, 2009
Sounds like you have a generic PSU. If anything, replacing that will be your first priority. Prices for PSU aren't that expensive around the 300-450W range so if all you have is Staples in your town, I suggest you do some online shopping instead. Here is a decent power supply if you're looking to buy a HD4350:

You can expect a significant increase in performance for WOW, but that game is not very demanding to beginw ith. If it's strictly for watching movies and such, it might be difficult to notice the difference unless you're watching HD videos.

As for upgrading everything else, that's up to you. You might want to avoid nVidia cards if you're planning to use an HDMI output with audio.


Oct 19, 2009
Thank you for the reply:)
I am aware that I need a new psu for the hd3450 (according to specs on box), and the 9800gt that i plan on getting in the future. But my problem is my budget, i mostly just wanna know if the hd3450 will work with my psu (250w). I dont wanna have to buy a bare minimun psu just to run the hd3450 card just to find out that when i come to upgrade to the 9800gt that ill have to buy another power supply.

I guess I was just hoping for a reply from someone that will tell me they are running the hd4350 with a 250w psu and how that is working for them before i go out and buy it and wreck something. Thank you:)



Oct 17, 2009
It really will run, i can promise that, i bought and i'm running a asus Radeon HD 4650 on a 210watt psu. This is supposed to have 400 watt. The manufacturers have to put a really unrealistic high power requirement to cover themselves just in case you were running the most power hungry internal parts.


I know how you feel, I just replaced a 230w psu. Check the +12v amps on your psu if they are lower then required then maybe you should just upgrade the psu first. It will run but Im not sure for how long, my friend pushed his psu over the limit and it just died completely so he had to get a new one.


Oct 19, 2009
Thank you for the reply, was very helpful. If I understood correctly, the only risk I run with having a underpowered psu is damaging the psu (wich would only force me to upgrade it.) So if the life of the psu is at risk because of an underpowered psu, is there settings for the hd3450 that can be adjusted to require less power?

The hd4350 requires 300w min psu, but I dont know what amp is required, I guess Ill have to find out.

My psu says: 250w max output
+12v 14a, 12v 0.8a
+5v 25a, +5vsb 2a
+3.3v 18a,
+5v & 3.3v 165w max, 5v & 12v 185w max.

Does this mean that I have 2 rails, one with 14amp and other with 0.8amp with a combined amp of 14.8?
14amp do not sound like a lot to me, obviously the 9800gt with ecointelligance is still out of the question (requiring 22amps)

As far buying a new power supply (hoping I dont need to until much later) Im still concerned that Ill buy the wrong one. As it stands, I see different models at staples that increase in price as the wattage increases. I have read that there are video cards that require a 6 pin power supply and such, thats why I opt for the 9800gt in the future that gets its power from the pci-e slot, and leaves little room for error when purchasing. I am assuming that there would be the correct amount, and the correct kind of of wiring to just replace the one I have installed right now. When I do get around to buying new psu, the 700w at staples should be plenty for me I hope, and cause me no further psu in the future.

Thank you.




No, the second one is actually -12v, +12v is what the card needs but 14a is a little low even for 4370.
Also, you shouldn't buy power supplies from staples, they are overpriced, newegg would be a much better place to look.

When my friends psu died, his computer worked just fine as soon as we replaced it but I read some posts
on the internet that other components can be damaged if a power supply fails when the computer is turned on. Improper shutdown cant be good for a computer, thats for sure but I cannot confirm if other components can be permanently damaged.

Good Luck.