2560x1080p vs 1440p


Oct 22, 2016
I am a casual gamer, i mostly play overwatch, battlefield 4, battlefield 1 and soon battlefield 5. I dont play super competitively, just for fun. I cant decide between 1080p ultrawide, 1080p 144hz or 1440p 60-75hz. I have an Asus strix Rx 580 8gb. Any help would be appreciated, as well with links to any monitors you guys would recommend!
What SIZE monitor are you looking to go with? Often, that makes a huge difference in what resolution you want to target. Higher resolutions look better on larger monitors, which look better a little (Or sometimes a lot) farther away.

Do you have a size restriction, or a specific monitor size you'd like to stick with?
21:9 you'll want a 29" or larger and 75hz or faster. With the GPU you have many of the cheaper models do support Freesync so the monitor will work well with your system. For me 21:9 is much better then 16:9 however one game you listed that doesn't support it is Overwatch however Blizzard did that on purpose for "fairness". Other Blizzard titles that do natively support it are Diablo 3 and WoW. BF4/1 do support 21:9 and I'm sure BF5 will support it.

Well not really a size restriction, just looking for the best playing experience. Also I’m trying to stay under $200 for a monitor, so I’ll buy a used one if I can something you recommend
@wildcard99 sorry chrome on my phone won’t let me directly reply. I can’t afford a 29” ultra wide so I was looking at a 75hz 25” one for $175 and that’s still better than my laptop screen. However, overwatch is a huge turn off because that’s the game I play most. I did find a 2k monitor for $180 used that I might get. Do you think that would be fine? Or should I get the 25” 75hz ultrawide?

I've played a few games that don't support 21:9 and I don't mind the black bars so I'd go with ultrawide but if Overwatch is like your top played game then you may just want the 2K.

ASUS PB277Q 27" 1ms (GTG) TN Panel Widescreen LCD/LED Monitor, Height, Tilt, Pivot and Swivel Adjustment, Built-in Speakers, Extensive Connectivity with Native WQHD Content http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=24-236-721

This is the monitor I’m buying used for $180 from a local seller. I think it’s a pretty good deal