2600k vs 3770k and PCIe 3.0 effects on SLI 680's?


May 30, 2012
So, I'm in the process of buying parts, and this is somewhat my final decision. I'll probably get a z77 mobo regardless, for the usb 3.0 and such. Questions are, is the performance boost the 3770k gets worth the heat problems I've heard about and such? Especially considering it costs a decent amount more. Also, eventually, I may want to buy another gtx 680 later down the line (I already have one on the way), what kind of performance loss will SLI 680's have on PCIe 2.0 with the 2600k? And is that loss a large enough issue to justify settling for a more expensive processor that's only marginally better and has heat issues?

On a side note, what kind of OC'ing can you do on a 3770k with a hyper 212 at stable temps, as compared to a 2600k with a hyper 212 at stable temps? Or honestly, I could go buy an H60 for the money I save buying the 2600k.

I'm really lost on this, and everything I read seems to contradict itself, so I can't find a clear answer, so any help would be appreciated.

The frequency, not so much, but the voltage, yes. +5% over 1.5V is the tolerance allowed for the IMC on SB and IB CPU's and 1.65V is over that, meaning it voids the warranty (or so I've always read). It'll work just fine, but if you ever need to RMA the CPU, that could become a problem.

I should probably be able to read the graphs but I'm completely lost. Anyone care to explain?

Also, I was sort of leaning toward the 2600k. The only thing really stopping me is the PCIe 3.0, but I guess I should really ask about that in graphics.

The graphs are showing a 1% difference (at the most) in PCIe 3.0 vs. PCIe 2.0. PCIe 3.0 won't become relevant for gaming for a long time.

So 2 680's in SLI won't over-saturate PCIe 2.0 bandwidth?
Then that means it should be a pretty safe bet to go with a 2600k, even if I'm getting a z77 board? By the way, thanks for the help, this is going to be my first build, and I'd really hate to make any choices I would regret.

I would say so. By the time PCIe 3.0 matters, you'll be wanting a complete system upgrade anyway.

With that exclamation point, you make it sound like 4% is the end of the world LOL. In reality, you wouldn't notice the difference unless you put the two side by side (and maybe not even then).

It is not the end of the world! Especially if you look at the AMD cards then the loss is even less!
Totally agree that it will not be noticed but is measurable.

The frequency, not so much, but the voltage, yes. +5% over 1.5V is the tolerance allowed for the IMC on SB and IB CPU's and 1.65V is over that, meaning it voids the warranty (or so I've always read). It'll work just fine, but if you ever need to RMA the CPU, that could become a problem.

And one more thing, is there any way for intel to actually know the voltage of the ram I've been using, and would the ram go under the overclocking warranties they sell? I really wish intel's warranty terms were somewhere easy to find.

Also, at the thing about the 3770k, what other real benefits does it have over the 2600k?

Honestly, no, there's really no way for them to KNOW you used 1.65V RAM unless you tell them, but they WILL ask (just up to you how honest you want to be, lol). But yes, that's covered under the Performance Tuning Protection Plan (which I have for my 2500K, actually. Hope I never need it, but it's nice to have if I do).

Forgot to answer the other part there. The 3770K will be faster by around 5-10% at stock than a 2600K, but the 2600K will OC further.

Yep, I figured that much from benchmarks and stuff. I plan to OC a bit though. Thanks for all your help, I think I'll be sticking to my initial thought and going for the 2600k.

that's scaling. it has nothing to do with the lane speed.

PCIe 2.0 speed will not enter the equation for gtx 680, 2 and 3 way sli. there is no performance difference <1% between 2.0 and 3.0. the cpu starts to bottle neck first iv had both setups with a 2600k @ 4.8 heat becomes an issue with 3 way but its a very nice setup.