28 error memtest


Mar 19, 2014
I recently built a new machine, about 4 days ago.. been getting a lot of blue screens.. the latest ones have been from pacer.sys... I did get 28 errors in memtest and was just wondering if bad ram could cause a bsod that comes up with pacer.sys.


Mar 19, 2014
Yeah, I figured it's most likely the ram considering i've gotten all those errors running memtest on about 5-7 hour run times of it... I've ruled out the CPU, ran prime95 for a bit and got no errors with that.. I'm not sure if there's a test to test the GPU but I've been playing some fairly intensive games with it without any blue screens...Which is another odd thing, I can sit here for 10+ hours playing intensive games without any blue screens... But ill be idling on the desktop and it'll just happen, be it watching a video on youtube or streaming netflix or even just sitting on the desktop itself... the crashes are very random, sometimes 5 in 10 minutes, other times 0 in a span of 16 hours... So what do you guys think? Possibly ram? I am taking it back tomorrow in hopes that helps, if the ram does not help... I'm going to have to assume it's possibly the motherboard itself.


Mar 19, 2014
Ram memtest twice, two different nights while I slept, both times were consistant with their errors, got 28 errors both times I ran the test... Just now when I BSOD when windows was loading back up, my Nvidia drivers failed for a second but recovered themselves... could ram cause this also?

Everything in my machine is less than a week old.

AMD FX-8320 3.5ghz
GTX 760 2gb
Asus M5a97 LE R2.0 Motherboard
2x4gb corsair vengeance pro ram( which i think is the culprit, not very good with computers though)

Dump file was posted in last reply, not sure if any of this info helps.


Mar 19, 2014
Quick update for anyone who cares about my issues....

I've tested both sticks of ram by themselves, 1 stick passed the full test no errors... second stick got 1 error within the first 10 minutes of the test... So I assume thats a pretty good indication that I have a pooched stick of ram that was causing me random BSOD while watching netflix/idling on the desktop.