2D art and gaming, first time build...


Apr 17, 2012
Hello! :bounce:

I'd love some thoughts on this first-time build I'm working on. I had been considering an Inspiron 620, but it looks like I could save some money and have some more fun this way.

Intent: 2D digital art (large files, multilayered, Corel Painter 11, wacom), some gaming, no overclocking planned

Budget: <$800
Most of these I'm pulling from Microcenter's April sales, since they're half an hour away.

CPU: i5-2500k $180 (http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0354589)

RAM: Crucial 8GB Ballistic 1600 $40 (http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0382101)

HDD: Barracuda 500 GB SATA $80 (http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0334235)

MOBO: Z77 Pro3 1155 ATX Intel $60 (w/ i5 combo) (http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0387627)

PSU: Cooler Master eXtreme Power Plus 500W ATX $40 (http://www.microcenter.com/single_product_results.phtml?product_id=0295037)

MONITOR: Acer 23" LED Backlight Widscreen LED $140


MOUSE: got one

GPU: ???
CASE: ???

CURRENT ROUGH TOTAL (w/o tax): $540

I'd love some suggestions on those last two! I was looking at a Rosewill for the case, but I read in the comments that there isn't a whole lot of room in there..? Someone's suggested XFX HD-687A-ZHFC Radeon HD 6870 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150561) for the GPU, then getting and OCZ 600W (http://www.amazon.com/OCZ-ModXStream-Modular-Performance-compatible/dp/B001EYV690) with a Cooler Master HAF 912 for the case, but some of the commentary on the GPU says it gets a little hot?
Is only the 2500k available for the deal? What about the i5-2400? Also, I generally don't recommend Intel motherboards... third party manufacturers are much more reliable/competitive. ASRock has a GREAT reputation... you won't be let down.

GPU: Could you try to get a 6850? I know MSI is more expensive, so you may want to get a non-MSI 6850, but it would be better. Here are the two MSI: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&N=100006662&isNodeId=1&Description=msi+6850&x=0&y=0

The first one is higher clocked, the second one is lower. However, this is close to the price of the 6870, and at that point, I think you'd be fine getting a Sapphire or something like that. EVGA is good, too.

That PSU...


Mar 13, 2012
What games? Also, if you're not overclocking, an i5-2500k is pointless... it's for overclocking. Also, are you open to newegg? So taking away the monitor, you've got a $660 max budget. I'd go with:

CPU: i5-2400
RAM: Yours is fine, but look at a 16GB edition (don't buy two sets of 8GB) for using photo editors and picture editors.
HDD: Yours is fine
Mobo: I'd get an ASRock Pro3 Gen3.
PSU: Er... I'd try an 80+ bronze (at least) rated PSU. Preferably 600W. Corsair is nice. Seasonic as well.
GPU: MSI Hawk 6870. Already overclocked... it's a beast.
Case: Well... HAF 912 is good, so is Antec Three Hundred Illusion. Corsair 400R if you want to spring for it. An OCZ PSU is a bad idea, by the way.


Apr 17, 2012

I'm going for the 2500k because of the MOBO deal Microcenter is having. (They'll take an additional $50 off the cost of the MOBO.) Is there any particular reason you recommend the Gen3 over the one I selected?

The GPU you suggested is too expensive. How about the MSI Cyclone for $130 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127573) ? And I found a Seasonic 620W for $90 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817151095&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&PageSize=10&SelectedRating=-1&VideoOnlyMark=False&IsFeedbackTab=true#scrollFullInfo) but that's quite a few watts...

Ah, and I realized I need to buy the OS, too, so that'll be another $100. SIGH. As far as games, I'd like to be able to play Portal 2, Minecraft, and maybe Skyrim. I don't need to play them on maxed settings.

I think 8GB should be fine for the kind of art work I'll be doing.

And what's wrong with OCZ? I found a $70, 600W, 80 Plus certified one ... (http://www.amazon.com/OCZ-ModXStream-Modular-Performance-compatible/dp/B001EYV690)


Mar 13, 2012
Is only the 2500k available for the deal? What about the i5-2400? Also, I generally don't recommend Intel motherboards... third party manufacturers are much more reliable/competitive. ASRock has a GREAT reputation... you won't be let down.

GPU: Could you try to get a 6850? I know MSI is more expensive, so you may want to get a non-MSI 6850, but it would be better. Here are the two MSI: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&DEPA=0&Order=BESTMATCH&N=100006662&isNodeId=1&Description=msi+6850&x=0&y=0

The first one is higher clocked, the second one is lower. However, this is close to the price of the 6870, and at that point, I think you'd be fine getting a Sapphire or something like that. EVGA is good, too.

That PSU is pretty expensive. Try this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817703035

It's modular, and PC Power and Cooling Silencer is great. I'd really, really, really try to get a 6850 in... anything lower may not be able to run Skyrim.


Apr 17, 2012

Unfortunately, the i5-2400 isn't part of the deal, AFAIK- at least not in the catalog I'm looking at. That PSU looks pretty good! How does this GPU look? It's an XFX 6850 (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814150573&SortField=0&SummaryType=0&PageSize=10&SelectedRating=-1&VideoOnlyMark=False&IsFeedbackTab=true#scrollFullInfo).

Also, I thought the initial MOBO I selected WAS ASRock? Doesn't the "intel" just mean it's compatible with i-series processors?

And thanks so much for the help!

AAAH CRAP I need an optical drive, too... fffffff-


Mar 13, 2012
Arrghh... blah. Sorry, that was sort of a carry-over from another thread... I mixed up the motherboards. Anyway, I don't think you need a Z77 motherboard. Try a Z68 ASRock Pro3 Gen3... it'll save you enough to get an optical. I have a USB powered/connected optical which I find is really useful... might want to look into that.

The XFX GPUs are sometimes very loud... I know I was looking at a 6870 a while back and people said it was very loud. It's fairly reliable and good performance-wise, as far as I know, though. How important is sound to you? I don't think ALL GPUs XFX makes are loud, but that one might be. The reviews say it's pretty loud.


Apr 17, 2012

Here's the catalog I'm looking at ;) : http://viewer.zmags.com/publication/95ab8bfc#/95ab8bfc/27

I don't care how loud anything is unless it's singing classical opera, is a physical danger to my hearing, or will hurt the build in some way.

Crap, I'm adding things up and it's looking close to $900... well, with about $400 in tax money, I guess $500 isn't so bad... :\


Mar 13, 2012
In that case, the XFX is fine for your needs.

Also, I see what you mean, now. Yeah, in that case, an i5-2500k and a Z77 Pro3 mobo will be best. Since you CAN overclock, I hope that sometime in the future you will!


Apr 17, 2012
ALRIGHT. So this is what I've got so far. If anyone has any money saving tips, I'd love an arrow in the right direction. I'm a little nervous, because I've been seeing so called "budget" gaming builds for under $600, and I'm wondering how that's POSSIBLE. Does that mean the build is more likely to crap out from low quality, or are these people just scavenging for super deals? I'm talking about builds like this: http://www.reddit.com/r/buildapc/comments/sltsu/build_complete_500550_first_time_build_and_gaming/ I mean, look at that. It would end up being ~$100 less. Am I doing something wrong, here? Maybe scaling too high or buying from the wrong place?

Anyhow, here we go:

CPU: i5-2500k $180
RAM: Crucial 8GB Ballistic 1600 $40
HDD: Barracuda 500 GB SATA $80
MOBO: Z77 Pro3 1155 ATX Intel $60 (w/ i5 combo)
GPU: XFX HD-685X-ZCFC Radeon HD 6850 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.1 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFireX Support Video Card $140
PSU: CORSAIR Builder Series CX500 V2 500W ATX12V v2.3 80 PLUS Certified Active PFC Power Supply $60
OS: Windows 7 from New Egg $100
MONITOR: Acer 23" LED Backlight Widscreen LED $140
CASE: Antec 300 Illusion $60

ROUGH TOTAL (w/o tax): $880