I'm struggling to decide what to upgrade my 1080p 60hz to still and looking for opinions. I am waiting for one of the 1080ti's with integrated water blocks to be in stock and then I'm pulling the trigger. I know 2k at 144hz will be a huge step up, but I also feel like the 1080ti is possibly overkill for that (could I get by with a 1070 for example and use the same monitor?). The step up to 4k from 1080p would also be huge, and I've never had a monitor faster than 60hz, so that's also a possibility. What I really want to do is get one of these new amazing monitors this fall that is 4k with 144hz, but I don't think a 1080ti will ever be able to push it, and I'm not looking to replace my gpu in a year or two.