2nd NIC on server not broadcasting internet


Jun 19, 2009

i have 2 NICs , one connected to to the internet and a 2nd one i wish to broadcast internet.

but what ever ip i configure on it it doesnt work. Can anyone please help me with this.

Back in the old days you had to set up Nat on a computer with two Nics if one was connected directly to a cable modem ect.

How to find your default Gateway/ internet connection.
Click on the start pearl, in the search box type Cmd press enter.
Next in the dos box type: ipconfig/all
You can obtain the gateway address from the first Nic card, that the broadband modem assigned it.

I am running a 2008r2 os, is the configuration same as windows 7?
You will have to install and set up the Routing and Remote Access role on the server in order to route this traffic. The best instructions I've seen for this are in a book I got for my MCITP tests, but this page has most of it:


You will want to set up the internal NIC with a static IP address and install and set up the DNS and DHCP roles as well.


I'd advise getting a book for it, but this should at least get you started. I've done this many, many times, so I know my way around. It does take a lot of logical deduction and personal choices to get it going right.

how about if i wanna setup 2 nics with internal ip to share a connection? to get myself more clear

I need help setting up my server as a router (OR get the internet to work on NIC 2). I have two NIC cards, one is connected to a router that is on the network That router has a wireless AP connected to it that host the wireless internet for employees. The second NIC has a laptop connected to it. What I am trying to do is get the laptop to get internet. Can anyone help with this?

What I have done already:
1) Setup NIC 1 with with a gateway and DNS as the router.
2) Setup NIC 2 with with RRAS installed and NAT enabled.
3) Tried manually setting up the IP address on the laptop to with the default gateway as NIC 1, same goes for DNS.

Please let me know what I am doing wrong and how I can get this to work?