2x Motherboard - one works, one doesnt


Sep 21, 2007
Hey there

I've just bought 2x Gigabyte N650SLI-DS4 motherboards, one for upgrading my old system, one for a complete new setup for a friend of mine. My friends system works like a charm but i'm having some trouble.

When I hit the power button, the pc turns on, the fans start spinning, but I get nothing on my monitor. There is an Intel E6750 cpu in both setups, and both are using a Chill Innovation 450A-2 PSU, although mine seems a bit older since it only has a 2x2 pin connector for ATX_12v while my friends brand new PSU has a 2x4 pin connector.

There is a plastic-thingie covering 4 of the pins on the motherboard, and according to the manual you dont have to remove the plastic-thing unless your PSU supports a 2x4 pin ATX_12v connector, and if you're using an intel Extreme cpu, they recommend that you use it also (although doesnt seem to require it).

Any ideas?


May 31, 2004
He has two virtually identical systems. Why should he buy anything. With two complete systems any half competent person could very easily isolate the problem in the time it took to go to the store and come back.


Sep 21, 2007
Okay, so i tried putting my PSU in my friends pc and as expected, it did not boot up.

"Yes!" i thought, and went to buy a new PSU. I should probably have tested some more, but i have been using all the other parts in my former setup for some months and they are rock stable.

Installed the new cpu (with a proper 2x4 pin connector) and guess what? It is _STILL_ not able to output anything to the monitor.

I'm really running out of ideas here, i've double-checked every power connector several times, it all looks fine =/


May 31, 2004
Put the two systems in the same room. Remove all cards etc. from your system except the video card. Remove all drives. Remove any USB/firewire case plugs that are plugged into the mobo headers. Remove all RAM except one stick in the first slot. Double check all connections, including case headers, and RAM installation, which I'm sure you have done five times already. Boot, it will probably fail. All parts should be moved from his system to yours. Swap the RAM one stick. then swap out the video card. Boot between each change. Then take his PSU and plug it into your system, you don't need to install it in the case, the reason that I say that is because it is a known good part. If it is not the VGA, RAM or PSU and there are no other cards plugged in, then it is either a bad CPU or mobo. That's where it starts to become a PITA. I don't think he really wants you removing his CPU.