3 Displays and Switching Between Them


Feb 1, 2014
So I now have 3 Displays.. but each is for a different purpose. Got my competitive 144hz gaming display to the left, 1440p display in middle and my 1080p graphics tablet(display you can draw on) display to the right.

My issue is that I don't like having all 3 going at once. I like to use one at a time depending on what I feel like doing. Doing this was easy with two monitors. Windows + P and you have the options of "PC Screen only" or "Second Screen Only". But if you have a 3rd screen hooked up, there is no "Display on Third Screen Only."

Going into settings isn't useful either because it still only gives the options to "Display only on 1" "Display only on 2" and "Extend These Displays."

There any other software that can get this done? Windows 10 doesn't seem to want to cooperate in this regard. Reason I ask in general is because my graphics tablet pen features will only work if it's the main screen. And switching to it specifically now that I have 3 monitors hooked up has become a giant pain.

Thanks you to anyone with useful info.
If you only use one display at a time, you might consider a HDMI switch. I'm not sure if that will affect the functionality of the pen display, depending on how it works it may not. You could also hook them up so that the gaming display and pen display are on the switch and the 1440 display is still a second monitor. Or whatever combination you like.

edit link: https://www.amazon.com/Switcher-Bi-direction-Hub-HDCP-Passthrough-Supports-DotStone/dp/B01L8LLP2G/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1517346433&sr=8-4&keywords=hdmi+switch%27

might not be exactly what you want/need but I think the bidirectional feature would allow the pen display to function properly if it uses HDMI for the pen input.