3 Monitors 550ti 2gb


Jul 13, 2013
I have an EVGA 500ti 2gb card in my computer. I only want to game on one screen, but here is my question. I am trying to mirror my main monitor to an 26" HDTV to play some Steam games (Dishonored, Bioshock Infinite, Darksiders 2, etc.) with my controller, as they look better on the HDTV. I have two computer monitors that I use for multi tasking (the main one of these is the one I am trying to mirror to the HDTV). Every time I try to mirror the main monitor to the HDTV through windows it says "No". Is there any way to do this? If not, is there a sub $200 card that will run three monitors at once. Keep in mind that I only want to game on one of the monitors, and only really want two independent monitors.

If not, is there a sub $200 card that will run three monitors at once. Keep in mind that I only want to game on one of the monitors, and only really want two independent monitors.

There are many! LOL best priced one for 1080p gaming is the GTX650ti BOOST 2GB.
This one : http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814127730

But at least 2 of the monitors will need to be digital(HDMI, DVI or Display port). You will also need a cheap adapter.

I have 2 DVI/VGA monitors and the HDTV (Along with more adapters than Applejack has apples), so that should be good. Now I just need to sell the wife on it.........