[SOLVED] 3080ti FE with EK waterblock - Help please


Oct 12, 2019
Hi all, sorry to be that guy but I'm lost and run out of ideas to try. I am very lucky to have a 3080ti FE and I decided to watercool it using the EK Special Edition waterblock. Now, this is my first ever gpu block (silly I know but only just brave enough to try it as wanted that small EK block so bad) .

All went well and I got a post, but temps are worse than when was air cooled (40c idle and 70c in game when on water) which leads me to think I've done something wrong.

I have checked the flow which is good, fans are on 100% to be sure had cooling covered but still temps seem way to high. I don't want to take apart again yet without knowing what to try as I dont have anymore thermal pads at moment.

I used the spread method with thermal grease which was evenly covered I felt. I'm leaning towards that I did not tighten it down enough (tightened to point just started feeling resistance) but worried going to far and braking a very expensive and hard to get card.

For info, the loop is:

Res > 360mm EK Slim rad (front mounted with 3x Corsair QL120 fans as intake) > 3080ti EKWB > 3900x EK Velocity block > 360mm Corsair XR7 (54mm) rad (top mounted with 3x Corsair QL120 fans as exhuast) > return to res

Case is an Antec Torque

Please tell me someone knows what I have done wrong as gone from feeling so proud of myself for doing it to totally disappointed 😞


i do think that there is something wrong with the way that you did it .
i water-cooled mine too , 25 idle , 39~42 Full load , and its an OC card .
there are different thermal pads in the packaging , so read the manual carefully on where you should place which pad .
try this : https://www.ekwb.com/shop/EK-IM/EK-IM-3831109832691.pdf
there are specific explanation on how to proceed .
i had to open mine , after fully assembling it , since after reading the manual i found out i missed some thermalpad needed places .
i do think that there is something wrong with the way that you did it .
i water-cooled mine too , 25 idle , 39~42 Full load , and its an OC card .
there are different thermal pads in the packaging , so read the manual carefully on where you should place which pad .
try this : https://www.ekwb.com/shop/EK-IM/EK-IM-3831109832691.pdf
there are specific explanation on how to proceed .
i had to open mine , after fully assembling it , since after reading the manual i found out i missed some thermalpad needed places .
i do think that there is something wrong with the way that you did it .
i water-cooled mine too , 25 idle , 39~42 Full load , and its an OC card .
there are different thermal pads in the packaging , so read the manual carefully on where you should place which pad .
try this : https://www.ekwb.com/shop/EK-IM/EK-IM-3831109832691.pdf
there are specific explanation on how to proceed .
i had to open mine , after fully assembling it , since after reading the manual i found out i missed some thermalpad needed places .
Thank you, I did follow that guide when doing it but assumed the thermal pads were all the same in pack as both list 1mm in guide. Will take it apart and see if can find a difference.
Just curious, did you spread the paste or use the X method (or other?)
Thanks again, Ben
Thank you, I did follow that guide when doing it but assumed the thermal pads were all the same in pack as both list 1mm in guide. Will take it apart and see if can find a difference.
Just curious, did you spread the paste or use the X method (or other?)
Thanks again, Ben

well if they are all 1mm then you shoulnd have any problems concerning this matter , i had 3 different thermal pad ( FTW3 EVGA )
regarding the paste , i used grizzly thermal paste kryonaut , so i had to spread it .