32" Gaming monitor


Jan 10, 2013
So I just upgraded my graphics card from an Asus GTX 770 to an Msi Frozr GTX 970 and I've always wanted to get myself a good monitor. Currently I have a 32" Sony Bravia which only supports my games up to 60fps and I really want to take the next step and up my monitor game. But... I have no clue what's good. I was hoping the knowledgeable people on this forum could do me a favour and help me out in an area I have no knowledge in.

I would like to get a 32" to replace the screen size I currently have, if you all think that's unacceptable that's fine. But I really don't want to go below a 27" (32" is the sweet spot for me in any tv size as I watch a crap ton of movies and tv shows also). I want to get a 144hz monitor as I have the perfect card to support it. I'm not too sure if I want g-sync as I don't understand how it works to be quite honest... Thought having a 144hz monitor would mean I can get up to 144 frames per second and it would be fine, but as I said... No clue. I got around £500-600 to spend this month but can save more if the monitor is worth the price.

Any useful information and ideas would be ever so great full had this TV for around 6 years and I've always wanted a proper monitor to game on and I think now is the time to get that. I will read everything's that you all reply to the thread. Thank you very much! :)
There aren't any as far as I'm concerned. Ultrawide isn't that great, just look at Fallout 4 for instance. No video content is ultrawide. I would buy the BL3200PT, probably the best monitor for you at this size, that fits your requirements perfectly. Avoid TN and IPS at all costs if primary use is TV and movies. If you watch 24p content then consider a TV instead, for cinema playback. I can't recommend a IPS monitor for you, it would be a horrible purchase based on your requirements.

But there are quite a few games that DO support that aspect ratio... and people who've played them say it gives games a whole new level... even better than playing on a 4K display...
If your looking for a gaming monitor i guess "24 is the best size. But its so coll to use more bigger monitor but base on my experience it try using "40 with the distance around 3 feet at first its ok but after an hour you will feel different. That's why i back using "24.

Hey, so my primary requirements is video gaming, it's all I do but I mentioned the movies and tv shows because that's one of the reasons I wanted to get myself a 32" monitor. I thought a TN panel would be better for me as I am a gamer. I had a look at the panel you advised and it is kinda perfect but the refresh rate is only 60hz and the main reason I wanted to upgrade was to get rid of that cap as my video card can support 200+ frames on some games. I'm just not too sure if I want g sync either, I don't know what the experience is like. I don't want screen tearing... I'm used to playing with v sync on but I want to take it off and play at higher FPS.

I found this one https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M1OIFME/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pC_nS_ttl?_encoding=UTF8&colid=1QMGIEKIGUOUJ&coliid=I156DNW2G5HZY6

Its only $300! Amazing price. It is 1080p though, but you cant beat the price/performance. It would be an upgrade from your current screen in terms of clarity during fast motion. There might be a nominal amount of screen tearing, but hardly noticeable at that refresh rate.

You should be able to push a steady 144 fps being that its 1080p . This would be your ideal solution in my honest opinion.

Check out a review of the screen here:
